bye bye Guitar Hero

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Not to surprising really, with as much money as you have to spend on peripherals only one can survive in my estimation.
good. maybe some kids will buy a real guitar instead....
you know, I played GH (the first one) until I was good on the hard mode then I started to learn how to play a real one. The game helped me learn rhythm and sorta how to keep beat (more so with rock band) and thus I was off.
Well Harmonix started it, then were like fuck... We don't want this, we're gonna make something cooler and call it rockband.

Hey shitty developer that makes Tony Hawk games, you want this?

Fuck yeah!!!

Well Harmonix started it, then were like fuck... We don't want this, we're gonna make something cooler and call it rockband.

Hey shitty developer that makes Tony Hawk games, you want this?

Fuck yeah!!!


True, but Harmonix has fallen on hard times too. Viacom had been wanting to sell them off even prior to Rock Band 3's release, and just recently they did. Sold them to some investment group, which I'm not exactly sure what to make of. And I don't know if they sale included intellectual property or not, but if it didn't, then that's probably the end of Rock Band too...