Mortal Kombat Rebirth

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Just finished watching all 3.

It was meh, but totally watchable as an adult where the old movies just are not watchable.

Think they might have gone the wrong way with the guy they got for johnny cage. He's too slow for the action they're trying to get. Either that or the editor doesn't know how to cut frames to speed up action.
This is why video game/comic books should not be turned into shows/movies. The cannon of the story (why people love it) is cast aside in favor of hollywood's re-imagining. If I want to reboot the MK franchise I will head down to Gamestop...

Things that work in one medium don't always translate well to another though (and yes, I understand that gives credence to your "just don't do it at all" argument).

I guess I'm just saying that I don't mind if Hollywood wants to try. I mean, just because Hollywood produces some really shitty adaptations doesn't mean that the source material is destroyed. It's still there for everyone's enjoyment, and no one has to watch the adaptations if they don't want to.

Sometimes adaptations turn out very well though (Nolan's Batman movies for example)... [shrug]
im confused. is this just a youtube series? or is this available somewhere with better quality?

I think it's just youtube; at least for now.

Yeah, it's just a web-series for now. They release a new episode every couple weeks. I'm assuming they'll probably release the whole thing on DVD/Blu-Ray at some point...
individual episodes are pretty good. but its annoying me that none of them are connected.

the trailer had barakka being a plastic surgeon gone crazy, and in episodes 4&5 hes some alien/other dimensional creature. and in the trailer scorpion was a prisoner in modern day, but in one episode hes some samurai in middle ages japan?

Don't know if anybody still gives a shit, but it looks like they officially hired the director of these to do a full-blowm Mortal Kombat reboot for theaters:

Mortal Kombat Reboot Now Official! - Movies News at IGN

I think some of these webisodes probably suffered for having to be done on a limited budget. Give this guy a Hollywood budget and I'll bet he can produce something worthwhile. Might not be perfect, but I'll probably watch the shit... :shrug2:
Hopefully it's like the first few episodes. The webisodes looked like they were turning into a cartoon.