Black Ops 2

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So I found a setup that wrecks mofos. Tested it in League play and made it happen in regular matches.

Lightweight, Toughness, Extreme conditioning and Dexterity via Perk 3 Greed wildcard.
870 long barrel and laser sight
Kap40 akimbo'd up
No room for tactical or lethal

Rush the hell out of people! I went from never using the 870 to one camo away from having it gold in a day. And half that was using the Kap40 to max level it for the akimbo.

I love the 870 as well. Most fun I've had with a shotgun since the MW2 Spas 12 days. Unfortunately it sounds like it's getting a nerf with this 1.04 patch...
the 870 is way overpowered, especially if you've got a laggy connection
you're one shot killed before you can even react to the guy
i think they are only nerfing the one shot kill range down 45 inches, so its not a huge nerf.

aiming down the sights on the shotgun makes the grouping extremely tight, which is good and bad depending on how good your aim is. i'm considering going for the shotgun class diamonds next instead of the AR's. especially since they are increasing the recoil on the burst fire rifles with select fire with this newest patch.
I may have to make a class with an SMG and the 870. Just looked at the numbers and wow. Wouldn't be a great primary for my style, but perfect for rushing a room I know is occupied.
I may have to make a class with an SMG and the 870. Just looked at the numbers and wow. Wouldn't be a great primary for my style, but perfect for rushing a room I know is occupied.

The shotguns in this game (especially the 870) are decent enough that you can make them work as a primary. Obviously range is a problem, but the range and power is good enough to where you can make it work on most maps as long as you're smart about what routes you take.

I usually pair the shotgun with the KAP-40 pistol like double0Si said. That thing's basically an SMG, so no need to waste a point on the Overkill wildcard. If you're a fairly accurate shot there's another pistol that's pretty potent too. Can't remember what it's called at the moment, but it's a three shot burst like the Rafica from MW2. I think it's the one that unlocks before the KAP-40...
the B23R is the 3 shot burst.
I run the Tac45 as my secondary. Its not full auto or burst, but if you're capable with a semi-auto, its a fucking beast. consistent 2-3 shot kills depending on range/distance. One of the fastest guns to swap to when you run your mag dry on your primary weapon, allows you to finish off the enemy, plus have more rounds to put down anyone else that runs around the corner

i find the tac45 to be the most comparable to the 44 mag in MW3. I was really hoping to like the executioner because i was a huge fan of the 44 mag, but that gun just plain sucks donkey balls. range is horrible, reload is dog shit slow, i would rather throw it at someone than try to shoot them with it, utter garbage. its still a 2 shot kill even at the closest of range, and anything more than 5 meters away and you might as well be trying to kill them with piss
The shotguns in this game (especially the 870) are decent enough that you can make them work as a primary. Obviously range is a problem, but the range and power is good enough to where you can make it work on most maps as long as you're smart about what routes you take.

I usually pair the shotgun with the KAP-40 pistol like double0Si said. That thing's basically an SMG, so no need to waste a point on the Overkill wildcard. If you're a fairly accurate shot there's another pistol that's pretty potent too. Can't remember what it's called at the moment, but it's a three shot burst like the Rafica from MW2. I think it's the one that unlocks before the KAP-40...
Haven't unlocked the Kap-40 yet. Looks promising. May have to try out the B23R though. I personally, really like the Executioner. Although I don't think I've even had to reload it yet.
Has anybody tried the slug shotgun yet? That thing is beast, but you have to actually aim and be accurate with it...
Haven't unlocked the KSG yet. I'd definitely give it a shot though.
I just started working with the KSG after I golded the 870. It took a bit to get in the groove of it but I'm moving along nicely with it now. Id definitely become proficient with the 870 first to get accustomed to the pump if you're not yet. Also gets some confidence up so you don't just say fuck it and move on.

I really want to diamond a class, and shottys or snipers seem easiest. But the Saiga and that auto are gonna blow as weak as they are for one hit kills. I started out with the Saiga to be that guy (you know, like the douche that unloads a full mag with the Dragunov like sniper per kill) and I was good with it. But after wielding the power of the 870 its very discouraging. Diamonding either one is gonna get old.
currently going for diamond on the shotgun class.
I started with the KSG, because the 870 is boss and will probably be the easiest.
the KSG is an absolute fucking beast, the one shot kills are pretty much all you will get unless you're too far out. I highly recommend laser sight and long barrel. Fast mags allows you to load 2 shells at once when reloading, but with 14 in the tubes right off the bat, you won't have to reload much if at all before you get killed. The long barrel adds 15% range to every shotgun, so its one of those must haves, especially to increase your one shot kill distance. Hip fire the KSG, aiming down the sights makes your margin of error too small and you'll end up getting fewer kills, unless you're a fucking champ with accuracy.

I am now working on the S12 and its a real pile of shit, sure you can empty a 10 shot mag real fast, but you need to be real close for a 1 shot kill. The reloads are horribly slow. Fast mag is a big help. You really need to concentrate on aiming down the sights with this shotgun as that greatly reduces the spread of the pellets. I'm currently running long barrel and fast mags, hip fire is about worthless for a 1 shot kill unless you shove the barrel up someone's ass, so laser sight is a waste. Big S12 tip, play hardcore for the 250 one shot kills. :)

Wish I did the 870 before they nerfed it, but it still seems to be a very dominant gun and I should have no trouble getting it gold once I roll onto my next prestige and the other shotguns are locked.

EDIT: i also owe the executioner a bit of an apology, apparently it is a one shot kill up to about 5 meters, so I guess it can be a good close range secondary.
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I'm working on diamond for the SMGs currently. For some reason I really like the PDW. Good range for an SMG, and decent fire rate and power. The reload is pretty quick as well, so no need for Fast Mag really...
as soon as you hear the click on the pdw you can start running and you'll have a full reload on it, the animation is dog shit slow, but just use any of the cancellations to get back in the action faster.
run or YY.

I'd like to give a big fuck you to trearch for nerfing the UAV.
for someone that mostly plays FFA its a little fucking absurd to need 5 kills to even hit the most basic kill streak. even if you run hardline you're still not getting the UAV until you get 4 kills. in the past games if you ran hardline you could have a kill streak in 2 kills.
Yeah, I thought the UAV nerf was stupid too. I can understand re-balancing the guns a bit, but I'm not sure what the supposed problem with the UAV was. Don't like being on radar? Use silencers and Ghost. Everything is a trade-off in these games. That's how they're balanced...
I've played with the 870 since the nerf and barely notice a difference. But I agree on all other points. Thanks for the tip about hip firing the KSG. I run it the same load out wise but I have to fight the urge to aim.
The other thing that pisses me off about nerf'ing the UAV is I spent my 1st perm. unlock token on ghost to counter the UAV spam. Now there's barely any UAV's flying so very little reason to run ghost.
Got my diamond camo on the shotguns on Tuesday 12/18/12. Had to use a perm. unlock for the M1216 because I prestige'd and didn't want to wait until level 52 to try and finish it before I had to prestige again. Currently working on the LMG's for diamond. They take a little bit to get used to, especially going from the shotguns which are so close range. You just need to take the corners a lot wider so you don't get into a losing close range gun battle. The LMG's also benefit greatly from the attachments. Quickdraw to get the thing up faster, laser sight to improve hipfire for close range, and suppressor, mainly to cut down on the horrible flash. The EOtech seems to be better than the reflex if you prefer a site. Headshots are still a challenge for me, but I find if I barrell stuff someone i have a pretty good chance of walking away from the gun fight with a headshot.
I don't know if anybody's trying to get diamond camo for the launchers, but I found a trick that works. The multi-kills don't have to all come from the launcher, the launcher just has to be involved. You can pull out your RPG and kill someone with it and then quickly switch to a gun and take someone else down and it will still count as a double kill towards the launcher camos...
Is anyone else pissed that in the campaign when you head over to the guys house in Panama, you don't get a beer?
I'm noticing horrible spawn points in HC TD, & Cap the Flag. :/

I would have thought after WaW and Black Ops, they would have learned to fix this nonsense.
I dunno man, I usually just play Free-For-All and camp my balls off, LOL. So much rage is generated...