someone got his first tattoo...

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There's already a tattoo thread or at least was.

My last tattoo cost me $4000 That's like 3 running SHOs and a parts SHO.

And I was right, you either barter/or got hooked up. Tattoos add up fast and if you have a lot, you couldn't afford a SHO, you'd be on a moped.

I could buy 4 sho's and lunch for 4k haha
damn jeffie! baller. then again this is coming from a guy who has a wood floor which I wouldn't be scared to eat off of.
I did my research and wanted this guy..
Jun Cha | Blog

Went to 6ft. Under where Cory Miller owns and was gonna wait but the vibe just wasnt there and really wasnt much interest on what I wanted at the time.

I read the reviews and they were REALLY bad. I glanced at another shop which happened to be literally 2 minutes from our house and went for a visit. They were really chill and as crazy as it sounds i changed my design completely, gave him a google pic of the example and let him do his thing. It took less than 1 hour to draw up and approve and got it schedule for 1 week from that day.

i didn't wait months like expected but it certainly wasn't a 'whim" either. and happy I still got a good job done. :)
I'm traveling back to Cali for another piece. I want my last name somewhere close......ohh crap I'm addidcted :facepalm:
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I did my research and wanted this guy..
Jun Cha | Blog

jun cha - Google Search

Went to 6ft. Under where Cory Miller owns and was gonna wait but the vibe just wasnt there and really wasnt much interest on what I wanted at the time.

I read the reviews and they were REALLY bad. I glanced at another shop which happened to be literally 2 minutes from our house and went for a visit. They were really chill and as crazy as it sounds i changed my design completely, gave him a google pic of the example and let him do his thing. It took less than 1 hour to draw up and approve and got it schedule for 1 week from that day.

i didn't wait months like expected but it certainly wasn't a 'whim" either. and happy I still got a good job done. :)
I'm traveling back to Cali for another piece. I want my last name somewhere close......ohh crap I'm addidcted :facepalm:

lol once apon a time I said I was happy only having one tattoo, over 30 tattoos later now haha 2. Once apon a time I swore up and down I would never have a skull tattoo... theres like 12 on my body now haha
damn jeffie! baller. then again this is coming from a guy who has a wood floor which I wouldn't be scared to eat off of.

Not really too baller, tattoos cost and when you get 2-3-4-5 sessions they add up.

I would show up at 11am and leave around 6pm, did that 4 times plus a final touch up once everything was healed, paid for 20 hours but have spent at least 29-30 hours at the shop.

I also spent almost a year interviewing artist and shopping around for who to use, turns out the guy I liked was one of the founding fathers for tattooing in this area and go figure, is the highest priced dude =( He was the first person to tell me what he does, and not that he does everything.

Oh you want that? I can do that, oh you like that style? I can do that, oh you like that other style? yup I can do that too!
Not really too baller, tattoos cost and when you get 2-3-4-5 sessions they add up.

I would show up at 11am and leave around 6pm, did that 4 times plus a final touch up once everything was healed, paid for 20 hours but have spent at least 29-30 hours at the shop.

I also spent almost a year interviewing artist and shopping around for who to use, turns out the guy I liked was one of the founding fathers for tattooing in this area and go figure, is the highest priced dude =( He was the first person to tell me what he does, and not that he does everything.

Oh you want that? I can do that, oh you like that style? I can do that, oh you like that other style? yup I can do that too!

its stupid how many new artist out there are totally bias on the style of tattoos they will only do, like people would come in looking for a job on the regular, like "I only do traditional style tattoos" , like bitch get some skill and come back when your a good all around artist, turning down tattoos period because they arent your personal style is turning down money lol
its stupid how many new artist out there are totally bias on the style of tattoos they will only do, like people would come in looking for a job on the regular, like "I only do traditional style tattoos" , like bitch get some skill and come back when your a good all around artist, turning down tattoos period because they arent your personal style is turning down money lol

It's amazing how many people get shit tattoo from the guys who do all types of styles.

Glad some people feel they should do everything ok rather than 1-2 things great, if you're working at a tattoo shop that specializes in knocking out as many tattoos as they can, great! but I wont pay $50/hr for a tattoo from that shop let alone $150-200-250/hr
Yea the woman I'm going too is great all around but specializes in realism (pin ups, flowers, cars, bikes, whatever...) That's what I want. A master of the style Im looking for. There are tons of people that do decent pin ups. Hell I can go downtown and get one today. But I'm willing to fly across the country for someone who can do exactly what I want and still exceed my expectations.
Yea the woman I'm going too is great all around but specializes in realism (pin ups, flowers, cars, bikes, whatever...) That's what I want. A master of the style Im looking for. There are tons of people that do decent pin ups. Hell I can go downtown and get one today. But I'm willing to fly across the country for someone who can do exactly what I want and still exceed my expectations.

That's where me and you are different from someone else.

We're willing to pay to get something nice, someone else, just wants it done.

Kinda like cars, you can save up and buy something nice, or just jump into a shitbox and try your hardest to make everyone else see it as a awesome car.

I think I see one good (not great) tattoo for every 10 tattoos I see on people. Everyone likes to get shit tattoos. For those people, you have tattoo shops like the one dilbeck works for, they expect artist to do everything, even if they're subpar at best.
Yea the woman I'm going too is great all around but specializes in realism (pin ups, flowers, cars, bikes, whatever...) That's what I want. A master of the style Im looking for. There are tons of people that do decent pin ups. Hell I can go downtown and get one today. But I'm willing to fly across the country for someone who can do exactly what I want and still exceed my expectations.

thing about realizm tattoos are, they look good before they heal, u never see them after they heal lol because they dont look realistic anymore, 2 anything you have that many sessions in is going too have minor scarring, 3 over time all tattoos semi blend together
It's amazing how many people get shit tattoo from the guys who do all types of styles.

Glad some people feel they should do everything ok rather than 1-2 things great, if you're working at a tattoo shop that specializes in knocking out as many tattoos as they can, great! but I wont pay $50/hr for a tattoo from that shop let alone $150-200-250/hr

Id never charge by the hour, that shits stupid, charge by the piece
just a few of my tattoos I can find pictures of right now, nowhere near half of them, my sleeve and both legs have another session left in them, and the biomech skull leg is now sleeved, more pics later I guess





You charge by the piece on big tattoos? I'd never use a guy who does quotes by piece unless you're talking about a small 2-3 hour no doubt you'll get it done kind of job.

Last thing I want is for you to under estimate a sleeve by 5-8 hours and try to make up for it by using more filler and rushed lines. Nothing like having a full arm tattoo with a bunch skin making up the design.

I'd rather my artist take his time and get all the minor details in it and not make me the customer feel weird for asking to change something or add something during the process.

Have you ever gotten any bigger pieces or are they all single session jobs?
You charge by the piece on big tattoos? I'd never use a guy who does quotes by piece unless you're talking about a small 2-3 hour no doubt you'll get it done kind of job.

Last thing I want is for you to under estimate a sleeve by 5-8 hours and try to make up for it by using more filler and rushed lines. Nothing like having a full arm tattoo with a bunch skin making up the design.

I'd rather my artist take his time and get all the minor details in it and not make me the customer feel weird for asking to change something or add something during the process.

Have you ever gotten any bigger pieces or are they all single session jobs?

quote the entire tattoo, first session, outline, 2nd session, shading, depending on how large the piece is next 2-3 sessions shading or shading/touch up, quote entire tattoo, either pay upfront, show up and get tattoo'd for free till tattoos done, or make payments each session, and pretty much all my large pieces are multiple sessions
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Thanks to Jeffie I let the artist do his thing. I was getting too involved in wanting it my way. while he did change it a bit, it was for the best.
He also gave me an idea of the cost but never promised anything. kind of like building a certain HP engine he also asked for a budget because he wanted me to be realistic with my piece.

All in all really happy and from what I can see we all have different taste....Derrr. I was more concerened with him drawing straight lines :lol:
but why tribal flash art ? shit looked cool in a book yo

last i knew, flash art was what you would pick off of a wall.
also, last i checked, i've never seen any flash art have an eagle eating a snake.

dont let her do it , I worked at madd inks tattoo for 3 years,

this is a pic of madd inks:

yeah, never would i get a tattoo in a place that looks like that. nor, would i take the opinion of an artist that works in a shop that looks so sketchy.

and spend the most money you possibly can,

not always the best method. just bc they are the most expensive doesnt mean they are the best.

gave him a google pic of the example and let him do his thing. It took less than 1 hour to draw up and approve and got it schedule for 1 week from that day.

so, he designed a piece based off of something that you liked from elsewhere?
yeah, that doesnt sound like flash to me.
just bc its tribal style, doesnt mean its flash.

He was the first person to tell me what he does, and not that he does everything.

Oh you want that? I can do that, oh you like that style? I can do that, oh you like that other style? yup I can do that too!

this is the mother of all truths.
i have seen plenty of good work come out of those kinds of shops, but never anything GREAT.
there was a shop near me that was like that. i asked what style each artist did, and the reply was "all of our artists are great at every style"
bullshit. and their work backed up the bullshit reply. nothing great. ever.

jeffie was asking how many big pieces do you have, you may have a sleeve now, but all of yours looks like it eventually turned into a sleeve from a bunch of single session tattoos getting close together from lack of space. thats not quite what he meant, but dont know how else to explain it to you.

its stupid how many new artist out there are totally bias on the style of tattoos they will only do, like people would come in looking for a job on the regular, like "I only do traditional style tattoos" , like bitch get some skill and come back when your a good all around artist, turning down tattoos period because they arent your personal style is turning down money lol

those kinds of artists arent turning down money, they are turning somebody away that they know they wont be able to give 100%.
every single person an artist puts ink on, is now part of that artists portfolio, they are a walking billboard for that artist. any real artist, knows what they can and cannot do, and they know what they do great, and they do that. then they get even better at that. it becomes theirs. you want to be a great artist, you have to find your style, and excel at it until you are the name that first comes up when people start talking about that style.
its called taking absolute pride in what you do, versus just doing something you like ok to make a buck.

anything else, and you are just another shitty know it all bullshitter that claims to be great at everything and excels at nothing. ever,

some people are great at painting flowers, but cant paint faces for shit, no matter how much they try. some are excellent at abstract, but not so hot at realism. everybody has their own master style.

thing about realizm tattoos are, they look good before they heal, u never see them after they heal lol because they dont look realistic anymore, 2 anything you have that many sessions in is going too have minor scarring, 3 over time all tattoos semi blend together

you have obviously never seen any good realism tattoos.
i have seen plenty that are old, and they still look great.
like all tattoos, they require touching up and maintenance, but im willing to bet any that you have seen after healed were 1: not that good to begin with; and 2: not properly cared for. i know a ton of people that had great looking tattoos until they spent every summer out in the sun with no sunblock or shirt on. now those look like faded shit.

im glad ive never met you in real life, i picture you being that shit head tattoo guy (you sir, are no artist. i would never put you into that classification) that puts down every single tat that you come across that you know you or a buddy didnt do. i see you as a a guy that would poke fun at a potential client when they walked into your shop with a piece that they loved bc you felt it was too overdone, or cliche, or just plain stupid looking.

you sincerely annoy the absolute shit out of me, and i cannot wait until you, like all the other annoying trolling asshats before you, finally lose interest in this place and fuck off.
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