Lost a friend today (IM argument inside)

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Capt. Orygun

Win the Day
There is wrong and then there is just plain retarded, this even makes Sabz look like a bastion of reason ;)

Peyton Manning says:
two can play that game
George bush is a nazi!! says:
what game?
George bush is a nazi!! says:
oh yeah, ha ha ha
Peyton Manning says:
actuall since GW is a Nzi maybe I should change it too, "all latinos should be put in consitration camps"
George bush is a nazi!! says:
if you want i guess youcan
George bush is a nazi!! says:
are you angry today or something? i just want to hug!!
George bush is a nazi!! says:
George bush is a nazi!! says:
its concentration actually lol
Peyton Manning says:
well your gonna have to hug in the gas chamber because apperently Bush is Hitler
George bush is a nazi!! says:
George bush is a nazi!! says:
well, when the arabs take over,they might now let us hug. lol
Peyton Manning says:
and there is a good chance of that happeneing now that liberls are taking over the government
George bush is a nazi!! says:
well,i will still hug you, i will let them wip me. lol
Peyton Manning says:
would you like to know what the problem is with "just wanting to hug"?
George bush is a nazi!! says:
sure why not
George bush is a nazi!! says:
i'm waiting
George bush is a nazi!! says:
tell me oh great one
Peyton Manning says:
because at this point in history Peace is a Utopian thought. Even if we declared peace tomorrow and refused to do combat on a global level Al Queada would still attack us, because they have declared war on us, and if we don't fight back, we will die
Peyton Manning says:
"I'm fighting so I can die a martyr and go to heaven to meet God. Our fight now is against the Americans"
Peyton Manning says:
"For as long as I can remember, I have felt tormented and at war, and have felt hatred and animosity for Americans."
Peyton Manning says:
"The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it"
Peyton Manning says:
if you attemped to hug him, he would choke you, that is sad but it is REALITY
Peyton Manning says:
and there is a peace which exists only on the other side of war
George bush is a nazi!! says:
where are you getting this from?
Peyton Manning says:
wikiquote, an online encyclopedia
George bush is a nazi!! says:
did you know bush helped fun the holocaust in germany during WW11
George bush is a nazi!! says:
bush's daddy was the one who gave saadam the gas to kill the kurds with.
Peyton Manning says:
OMG that is such Bullshit, Bush was a fighter pilot in WWII and he fought against the Axis
George bush is a nazi!! says:
the only reason this country went to Iraq was because of oil and the possibility that they were going to switch to the euro
Peyton Manning says:
and Bush funded Iraq's war with IRAN
Peyton Manning says:
and it wasn't even Bush it was Regan
Peyton Manning says:
just like we give money to Isreal to fight in the middle east
Peyton Manning says:
you are so off your rocker it isn't even funny, do you just believe every piece of conspiracy theory you hear?
George bush is a nazi!! says:
maybe his father was a pilot but his grandfather had a steel company that was jointly owned by the third reich
Peyton Manning says:
riiiiight, links proof?
Peyton Manning says:
and besides that I'm sure the both of us have infanant control over what our grandparents did BEFORE WE WERE BORN
George bush is a nazi!! says:
and it isn't a conspiracy theory. I don't buy into what the christian rights morons have to say
Peyton Manning says:
then let's see some reputable proof
George bush is a nazi!! says:
does that absolve what is being done now? it's a continuing legacy of imperialism
Peyton Manning says:
Peyton Manning says:
there's ur link, Grandpa Bush worked at a bank which a Nazi contributor had an account at, all ties with the bank were severed BEFORE THE WAR
Peyton Manning says:
We wrote an insurance policy for someone who then killed someone with a car, does that make me a murderer?
Peyton Manning says:
as to address your imperial comment
Peyton Manning says:
we didn't colonize France or Germany in WWII
Peyton Manning says:
we didn't colonize Korea
Peyton Manning says:
we damn sure didn't colonize vietnam lol
Peyton Manning says:
didn't colonize Greneda or Panama
Peyton Manning says:
or Kuwait
Peyton Manning says:
so obviously I can see why you think we'd colonize Iraq...
Peyton Manning says:
do you eat paint?
George bush is a nazi!! says:
imperialism is not synonymous with colonization
George bush is a nazi!! says:
to violate ones sovereignty smacks of imperialism
George bush is a nazi!! says:
this country has a looooooooooong history of imperialism starting with Hawaii and not ending yet with Iraq
Peyton Manning says:
lol of and don't forget colonizing Virgina!
George bush is a nazi!! says:
Peyton Manning says:
Peyton Manning says:
you are a piece of work
George bush is a nazi!! says:
I know
Peyton Manning says:
we overthre a government ran by a genocidal mass murderer of his own people
Peyton Manning says:
cannabis culture? I'm not even clicking that, have a nice life lunatic
she's a pacifist

she used to be pretty normal, now she's so left wing she flies in circles, and she can't back up 95% of what she says. And you have to laugh at someone who denies Fox news as fake and then links me to "Cannibis Culture" as a news site

she also believes we should have open boarders and the national language should be Spanish

for the record I as well am a Pacifist, I'll pacifist right through your fucking head if you fuck with my country :-)
George bush is a nazi!! says:
and it isn't a conspiracy theory. I don't buy into what the christian rights morons have to say
Peyton Manning says:
then let's see some reputable proof
George bush is a nazi!! says:
does that absolve what is being done now? it's a continuing
legacy of imperialism

Peyton Manning says:
as to address your imperial comment
Peyton Manning says:
we didn't colonize France or Germany in WWII
Peyton Manning says:
we didn't colonize Korea
Peyton Manning says:
we damn sure didn't colonize vietnam lol
Peyton Manning says:
didn't colonize Greneda or Panama
Peyton Manning says:
or Kuwait
Peyton Manning says:
so obviously I can see why you think we'd colonize Iraq...
Peyton Manning says:
do you eat paint?

George bush is a nazi!! says:
this country has a looooooooooong history of imperialism starting with Hawaii and not ending yet with Iraq
Peyton Manning says:
lol of and don't forget colonizing Virgina!
George bush is a nazi!! says:
A tradition of terror
Peyton Manning says:
Peyton Manning says:
you are a piece of work
George bush is a nazi!! says:
I know
Peyton Manning says:
we overthre a government ran by a genocidal mass murderer of his own people
Peyton Manning says:
cannabis culture? I'm not even clicking that, have a nice life lunatic

Some of my favorite bits. I would like to say that this ... chick or child or retard or whatever is extremely stupid, but it's no more or less stupid than the usual liberal drull that they lash out with.

The conspiracy, the "Bush is a Nazi" crap and the "Imperialist" shit.
oh that was that one chick.. saying that spanish should be a primary language or somethin..
OOOHHH now it all comes together. Why would you speak with someone for one moment after saying that ?
And what's this about no personal attacks, Silvie?

Thought you were above such things :)

if you meant what I said to her, I can personally attack friends (or former friends) cause we know each other and it wasn't on HS

if you meant my comment about you, what I said was an attempt at humor and at best a very light jab, as opposed to

Originally Posted by Sabz5150 - Join date Nov 2003
First off... STFU ya fuckin' noob.

If what I said offended you then you have a *liberal* interpretation of offensive comments

her MSN status said "Bush is a Nazi"

so I changed mine to "All Latinos should be deported"

I was trying to show her how ridiculous she sounded, my best friend is Korean I nearly married a Hispanic, and I'm roughtly 1/4 American Indian. if you think I'm even slightly racist then you need to go hang out with this other lunatic lol
I can personally attest that 'Peyton' and I have MSN conversations all the time where we 'trade' our opinions... and usually he's telling me what mine is. But that's what we do. I enjoy it. So, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. As a woman, I think I prove that I can take the heat. I'm always in the kitchen. LOL
if you meant what I said to her, I can personally attack friends (or former friends) cause we know each other and it wasn't on HS

if you meant my comment about you, what I said was an attempt at humor and at best a very light jab, as opposed to

Originally Posted by Sabz5150 - Join date Nov 2003
First off... STFU ya fuckin' noob.

If what I said offended you then you have a *liberal* interpretation of offensive comments

Someone didn't note the lil smiley at the end of my post.

As for what's his name, I'll sit here and tell ya I told him that flat out. Maybe if he didn't act like a drunkass n00b (note it was a drunk post) I wouldn't have said that. I called a spade a spade.

As for your "friend", that person isn't liberal, that person is so far left wing it isn't funny. Gotta quit confusing liberals who don't like Bush's policies and choices with left wing nuts who want to crucify him.

Maybe when that happens I'll stop lumping all conservatives into the neocon pile.

i gotta lay off the bingers. Oh and to stay on topic... uhh that girl is rediculous, but Bush does hate black people. :P