Lost my job

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Sorry to hear about that Misti! That blows! I have no idea what I would do if I were to lose my job!!! Sheesh, I dont have any helpful hits for now, but I wish you all the best of luck! Im sure that things will work out for the better!
for those who aren't net savvy..... 192.168 is a private IP range, and no one but people on your internal network wihtout vpn will be able to hit it :D
But, my luck will dictate that I get rejected. Filed my application online... should recieve info in 10 days. Yay. Now... on to craigslist, monster, and my personal favorite: America's Job Board.
CareerBuilder.com Jobs - The Largest Job Search, Employment & Careers Site has the most job postings and employers searching.
even i approve of unemployment. and i don't approve any nearly any social money things. lol your employer pays a tax for exactly this purpose... take it.
yep. it's there exactly for this. use it to your advantage.
Lame fucking sauce. Anyone know how to make a bomb? Just Kidding!
I have a pipe bomb you can borrow. watch out for liquid shrapnel. :ph34r:
haha you guys love putting a y in her name.
Well, soooooorrrrryyyyy I'm not the Network person here. The boyfriend is. No worries on that anyway... I'm going to have a server up soon so that won't matter. As for the Hawaiian, the place I worked for was called Maui Wowi. That should explain it all.

For the pics, sorry... haven't had time to vaccuum yet. :D

Seriously though, thanks for making me feel like a moron. I am not computer smart.
I know... what I was trying to say is that is a linksys ip.

Actually, anything in 192.168.x.x is a universal internal IP address for pretty much any network- Linksys, Cisco or otherwise. 127.x.x.x is the same, and there are quite a few others.
linksys and cisco are one in the same, A dlink router default gateway is