Lost my job

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Again- it doesn't matter what brand. 192.168.anything.anything is reserved for internal network use.
... and thats what I said with my first post. It's a linksys (judging by the 3rd octet), as in it's an internal address. ;)
Holy cow. I guess it's good I'm not using the other router. You'd be confused. it wasn't 192.168.x.x it was something way different. We have 3 lines here, I'm using the Clearwire. The other 2 lines are for super speed... using the desktop for gaming or all the other crap i'm setting it up to do. Load Balancing routers are the shiz.

I know enough, just not THAT much.
What's Artie got to do with it? :D

What? I have a queen size bed, two people can sleep in it just fine...?

You and your sexual assumptions. :ph34r:
uh huh, assumptions huh, I guess that's the new word for it, lol