Offical Halloween costume picture thread

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heres me even tho im not really dressed up:

Here is me and the wife.

She's a raped and beaten school girl and i'm a construction worker with head trauma. She waited until the last minute to tell me and I didn't have anything at her apartment.

There are a couple others I thought I would include from our night out.


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LMMFAO at the guy dressed as Tyrone the Crackhead!!!!
yeah, he was cool. he had a white gf there and we had to ask permission from her to take the picture. he said, "i gotta ask my gf before the picture. don't want no problems with her."
I went as a convict friday. I honestly dont remember the night. Woke up to a bed full of puke and urine, and made a complete ass of myself. I guess I randomly tried to carry a girl to my room and couldn't make it, and I was spitting mad game while everyone watched. There are pictures I don't remember, and I was completely blacked out. So no pictures for now. Maybe on wednesday when I repeat minus a 1/5th of absolut 100.

Don't wanna link the giant picture to save the thread, but what the hell ELSE is there that she's on the bar like that and that guy is taking pictures of something else?!
man the only thing i can come up with is maybe there're two dancers and he's taking pics of the other one coz her bra's off?? :D
Damn Nick.
[Borat] Very Nice [/Borat]
thank you. if you want some asian girls, go to club "venom" in seattle. it's not too far from the base.
srsly nick your girl :)
thank you, thank you


Don't wanna link the giant picture to save the thread, but what the hell ELSE is there that she's on the bar like that and that guy is taking pictures of something else?!
there was another stage with girls dressed as referees. they were just standing there though. not much to take a picture of.

and even though that go-go dancer was skinny, she had hella cottage cheese. it's bad when you can see it in the club with all the flashing lights and shit.
I guess it's time to take a trip to Seattle.. the last time I saw that many gorgeous Asian girls in one place was when I lived on Oahu :D
Don't wanna link the giant picture to save the thread, but what the hell ELSE is there that she's on the bar like that and that guy is taking pictures of something else?!


Mystery solved. :D