Physics....Black holes and time travels....

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Answering the "does the universe have an end" question is rather easy. The universe is expanding, we have lots of evidence to support this.

Can an area of infinite volume expand? No. That's like saying infinity plus one. No such thing exists.
not exactly true. there is a math god out there who wrote a book on infinity, and how there are diffrent values for infinity. The example he used was an infinite set of whole numbers versus an infinite set of odd whole numbers, the infinite set of whole numbers would have twice as many numbers as the infinite set of odd whole numbers. It makes sence, but thinking too much on the subject will make your brain hurt.
heres a video i posted on here a while ago, its a 56 minute show from the BBC and the National Geographic Channel called Horizon: End Day

it covers 5 different end of the world type scenarios
  • a Mega Tsunami wiping out the east coast of the US
  • an Asteroid hit in Europe
  • a massive Viral outbreak in the UK
  • a Super Volcano Eruption in Yellowstone National Park
  • creating "Strange Matter" in a particle accelerator in NY
the last one touching uppon what is being talked about here, creating a mini black hole that engulfs everything around it growing larger and larger as it goes

if you only want to see the black hole ending fast forward to about 49:15
but the whole movie is pretty entertaining

not exactly true. there is a math god out there who wrote a book on infinity, and how there are diffrent values for infinity. The example he used was an infinite set of whole numbers versus an infinite set of odd whole numbers, the infinite set of whole numbers would have twice as many numbers as the infinite set of odd whole numbers. It makes sence, but thinking too much on the subject will make your brain hurt.

very interesting. i believe the universe could be infinite, but we as humans live in a finite world so its had to grasp the concept of infinity.
not exactly true. there is a math god out there who wrote a book on infinity, and how there are diffrent values for infinity. The example he used was an infinite set of whole numbers versus an infinite set of odd whole numbers, the infinite set of whole numbers would have twice as many numbers as the infinite set of odd whole numbers. It makes sence, but thinking too much on the subject will make your brain hurt.

That's the world of mathematics.

Physics and cosmology tend to stay away from the infinity concept simply because using it returns no real, tangible results. That little lazy 8 tends to throw off the numbers in a way that cannot be reproduced. Physicists tend to believe that nothing has infinite mass or infinite energy (this is why we cannot surpass the speed of light by conventional means).

The universe started from one finite point, with finite amounts of mass and energy. I don't think there's a testable equation that can make something go from finite mass and energy to infinite.
true, but even a finite point is divisible an infinite amout of times.
true, but even a finite point is divisible an infinite amout of times.

Again, that's a mathematics thing. You can divide any number an infinite amount of times, but in physics you're going to hit a brick wall eventually. Once you get down to the smallest component (let's say for example, strings), you're going to wind up with a finite number. Mathematics has no such boundary, therefore it can entertain the concept of infinity.
well if there is a black hole there is ether a end of the universe or a alternate dimension
black holes DO exist, its not science fiction and it has nothing to do with either the end of a universe or alternate dimensions. theres something like 10 different spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension.

a black hole is simple a dead supermassive star that has collapsed under its own gravity. our own star is relatively small in the astronomical sense and will just swell and explode at the end of its life. a black hole doesnt have infinite density just REALLY fucking high density.

Sabz5150 said:
The universe started from one finite point, with finite amounts of mass and energy. I don't think there's a testable equation that can make something go from finite mass and energy to infinite.

what about an infinitely small point of infinite mass and energy?
black holes DO exist, its not science fiction and it has nothing to do with either the end of a universe or alternate dimensions. theres something like 10 different spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension.

a black hole is simple a dead supermassive star that has collapsed under its own gravity. our own star is relatively small in the astronomical sense and will just swell and explode at the end of its life. a black hole doesnt have infinite density just REALLY fucking high density.

what about an infinitely small point of infinite mass and energy?
so in other words a black hole really isnt a hole at all it just a big black mass ?
yes. its called a black hole because, well, its black lol. its gravity is so great nothing can escape, not even light, thats why its black. and because its so massive and dense it greatly distorts space time, bending and stretching it. you can actually see things behind a black hole because its gravity bends light around it. its crazy stuff.
the gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong even light cannot escape it. there, i've exhausted my knowledge on teh subjecks. :P
well since a black hole really isnt like a hole hole, my theory goes right out the window now lol,
well some people think that a black hole could create a wormhole in space time. thats kind of like tunnel shortcut rather than traveling. if wormholes ever get proven (yet still impractical for human travel cause you'd be ripped to shreds lol) it would be the only way to travel "faster" than the speed of light.
well some people think that a black hole could create a wormhole in space time. thats kind of like tunnel shortcut rather than traveling. if wormholes ever get proven (yet still impractical for human travel cause you'd be ripped to shreds lol) it would be the only way to travel "faster" than the speed of light.

i thought thats how VTEC worked?!?!?! :confused:
