looks like i might get get fired

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I wear stretchy pants
well the Property Managment company i work for is going down hill. Since i started they have been changing. By that i mean firing people, giving properties back to the bank,not selling properties. Constantly having our cable,lights,internet cut off on the properties. Also we owe ALOT of money to the banks and many other small and big time vendors.

WE havent payed the rent on our properties in like 6 months! Mind you we have about 30 properties and i know the average rent for one one of the cheapest is about 40k+/month.

Now they are lauching a new name since the Booth Properties name has bad rap. Because of it we are having budget cuts and it looks like my head is gonna be on the cutting board. No one else does what i do and we are already short handed but it hasent stopped them in the past.

do a search for a Booth Properties and you'll see what i mean its all over the news media and even radio stations are talking about it. We dont know whats going to happen. We couldnt even get refill on coffee or water last week cuz we didnt pay there bills.

We all had a meeting and it was made pretty clear to us that at any given time we could be sent home packing. I'm kinda freaking out guys. :(

Sorry to rant. With my INS situation still incompete i fear that finding another respectable job position is going to be hard.

What kind of stores could use a purchasing agent/accounting clerk?
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Ever think about going back to school and getting enough experience and credits to take the CPA exam?

After you pass your CPA, you can definitely find a job at one of the big four accounting firms that will be nice and cozy for years to come.
holy hell.. $40 a month for rent.. where do i sign up?

fixed it. our monthly rent for that property is like 40,000+ a month. thats not including light cable and all the extras.

And yes i want to go back to school but i cant. I dont have greencard or permit so the local community college charges me triple the out of state fee. NO scholarships no nothing. I cant do it.

I really dont want to go back to contruction:(

Problem is the properies arent making enough money! even though we charge like 575-795 for an apt/suite. And yet we treat them like shit when something goes wrong. The higher ups ignore their calls. Hell, we get angry parent calling every day! OUt HR (who is the Sister of our president) hires all these loser as maintenace guys. so they dont get the job done right or never get to it at all!

aghhh. this shit sucks. I have ordered 2 items from Home Depot and thats it. i dont even feel like being here.
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thats fucking lame man, here in about 6-10 months my boss is wanting to expand his mechanical business and I'll be heading back to school so then I'll just be part time and we could use someone who is experienced with 4 cylinders, if we get an opening and your willing to relocate I can try to secure you a job.
not yet
paperwork isn't through yet

PRETTY MUCH. Its been 2+ yrs and i got was a lousy 1 yr temp liscence.....which i can renew ever year:mad: makes no sense.

they constantly move my court date down. I had a court date set for march and now those bastards post poned it again. Thats all i need. Once i go to the court i'm home free. It sucks because the last 4 postponed dates had a gap of 6 months. Thats why its been taking so long.

:( Although i did raise serious hell to my lawyer acouple weeks ago. i pretty much told him he has done nothing and that he better not be screwing with my money. My money that i owe a friend.........all $10,000 of it.:o
thanks Crazed. unfortunatley i cant. Its too far and i have a wife to support. If she goes to undergrad somewhere else besides Tallahassee i have to follow. Not until she's done with school completetly will i go back to school and have her hold the money fort down for awhile.
Can't you explain your situation to potential employers - that you are in the process of being legal. I am assuming that there is no reason for it not to happen right?
yeah i can. but the propbem is that even though i went TWICE to jacksonville to apply for my workers permit. I still havent got it. It been rejected twice! I never knew that cuz some jack hole at ins failed to do my change of address. So i never got word as to why or how i can fix it.

I can get a job since i do have a alien number. But some places want to see the a ctual workers permit card.....which i dont have. When i tried to go back to home depo they wanted the card. I even showed them the paperwork from my attorney and they wouldnt take it.

I got lucky with this job cuz my friend hooked me up and i didnt even have to interview.

i have an alien number and tax id number...ohh and a temporary liscence.

$10,000 fucking dollars and 2 years and thats i have to show for it. huphhh well at least i have HS:lol:
What kind of stores could use a purchasing agent/accounting clerk?

Have you looked around at all? I'm currently searching for jobs as well, and I always see ads posted on Monster, CareerBuilder, and Craigslist or whatever for accounting clerks.

Although, I guess that's just my area. I don't know how things are where you're located.

Anyway, that really sucks. Good luck man.
Have you looked around at all? I'm currently searching for jobs as well, and I always see ads posted on Monster, CareerBuilder, and Craigslist or whatever for accounting clerks.

Although, I guess that's just my area. I don't know how things are where you're located.

Anyway, that really sucks. Good luck man.

That made my day....i work for 2 out of 3 of those....at least my work is being seen :)
thanks. i really havent looked. Although EVERYONE here at the office who isnt buddy buddy or related to the executives say they are looking hard and have the resumes already done.

looks like i need to get on that as well. i wanted to stick it out and see what happens. Like i said before. noone else does my job and the properties need PO's to get stuff. I also take all the calls from bill collectors and order the stuff for the maintenance guys. i figured i would be safe. But know it looks like thigs are getting tighter literally everyday. We find out more stuff is going on. stuff that could cost the company to go down all together
Even if you dont get fired...id still be looking. Its been my experience that piece of mind is better than decent money.

While losing my last job wasnt planned, it wasnt unexpected either. I took a pay cut, but at least i work in a calm and collected atmosphere where my departure is rather unlikely.

I understand that you have a budget to maintain, but as I said...try to reduce your stress at the same time...You'll thank yourself in the end.