I have just found the worst smell in the world

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Paper mill and a sewage treatment plant. I work within a mile of both. I pity none of you.

I used to live down wind from a paper mill and a beef slaughter house. They where big fans of making fertilizers. Piling it up, covering it and letting the Sun works its magic.
I used to live down wind from a paper mill and a beef slaughter house. They where big fans of making fertilizers. Piling it up, covering it and letting the Sun works its magic.
What the hell did the slaughterhouse lay out under the tarps, the organs or what?
We had a porta potty get dumped full down a driveway. Fucking gross. It reaked pretty bad for a couple days.
lol. okay, so other than the obvious cow crap. arent the cows not really at the slaughterhouse that long? Where I grew up there were dairies everywhere, so it smelled pretty bad, and they used to have huge hills of manure all over.
40 fucking minuetes.

FORTY FUCKING MINUETES he was on the can!
damn thats a long shit
how many courtesy flushes was that?

I've smelled dead, open gaping puckering human a few times too. Not pretty. But I can't say any smell has really grossed me out. I'm more a visual guy. And even at that I've put a face back on someone when a windshield ripped it off, saw a homeless guys skeleton leave the goopy mess that was his flesh after sitting in water for a week, and a man with no jaw have a septic tank explode on him (The single grossest moment of my life)
do tell
I've smelled dead, open gaping puckering human a few times too. Not pretty. But I can't say any smell has really grossed me out. I'm more a visual guy. And even at that I've put a face back on someone when a windshield ripped it off, saw a homeless guys skeleton leave the goopy mess that was his flesh after sitting in water for a week, and a man with no jaw have a septic tank explode on him (The single grossest moment of my life)

Yeah, wtf??? I wanna know man!

It's story time kids.
a man with no jaw have a septic tank explode on him
this one part cracks me up everytime i read it
its probably wrong to laugh but its just too funny
like the "she's alittle young don't you think"
Yours must be amazing then because they do smell. A lot. You just have to get used to it.

And as sympathy, I don't have any either lol. I lived with my teenage brothers.
I share a room with my 17 year old brother and 21 year old best friend. After a night of boozing in the summer, waking up in the smell of 3 sweaty ball sacks is enough to make me puke.

Fermenting water- My old house at school had a garbage can outside that filled with rain water. It started smelling really bad over a period of time. My boy Matt decided to dump it when it turned green. Then we found out why it was green, out popped what we think was a squirrel covered in green goo. I smelled it in my room thats inside and on the other side of the house. And there was no wind that day. Reeked for a week at least.
My exroommate, who turned girls lesbian whenever he touched them, had a brother that committed suicide at age 12 of auto erotic asphyxiation. about 4 months after that, his dad's mouth cancer advances to a stage that it has to be removed. At that point, he's got no lower jaw, and his face is held up by a strap. He stops leaving the house, and shaving becomes a strange thing. He's got the skin from his jaw, but no jaw.

So I went over to help the family out when their septic backed up. Shitty things happen to people even when they are suffering.

And the 3 of us were working this blockage, and the gasses built up in the shit pipe, and exploded onto this poor old man who looked like Aqualung mated with a sock. And the shit popped up in his face, just a sprinkling, but in his struggle to get away from the shit, his strap came undone, and he looked at me with the only expression someone can have without a lower jaw bone, kinda like "The Scream" only with lucid, reality-crushed eyes. And shit spattered about his fallen face. and his tongue hanging out.

The look was priceless. But it was pretty gross. He committed his own suicide later that winter.
My exroommate, who turned girls lesbian whenever he touched them, had a brother that committed suicide at age 12 of auto erotic asphyxiation. about 4 months after that, his dad's mouth cancer advances to a stage that it has to be removed. At that point, he's got no lower jaw, and his face is held up by a strap. He stops leaving the house, and shaving becomes a strange thing. He's got the skin from his jaw, but no jaw.

So I went over to help the family out when their septic backed up. Shitty things happen to people even when they are suffering.

And the 3 of us were working this blockage, and the gasses built up in the shit pipe, and exploded onto this poor old man who looked like Aqualung mated with a sock. And the shit popped up in his face, just a sprinkling, but in his struggle to get away from the shit, his strap came undone, and he looked at me with the only expression someone can have without a lower jaw bone, kinda like "The Scream" only with lucid, reality-crushed eyes. And shit spattered about his fallen face. and his tongue hanging out.

The look was priceless. But it was pretty gross. He committed his own suicide later that winter.
Fuck. depressing...
unfortunate circumstances, and great previous suggestions, but of all the filth and gore i have seen, nay, experienced, in the O.R., and E.R., nothing makes me gag like cigarettes.
