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  1. xj0hnx

    Photography Equipment

    That is completely ass backwards. The glass is what is important, sticking some old lens that's in who know what condition in front of some $2000 fancy schmancy body is lipstick on a pig. You could be rocking a $6,000+ D3x and put an old ass Quantaray POS on it that D3x isn't going to magically...
  2. xj0hnx

    R.I.P. DJ E-Z Rock

    ... who?
  3. xj0hnx

    Photography Equipment

    In all honestly those lens aren't worth using as a deciding factor in what platform you are going to go with. IMO you do good to get on Ebay, and pick up one of the last generation Nikon bodies, D7000, D90, hell a D200, DO NOT SPEND A TON ON A BODY!!!! it will be "outdated" in six months, they...
  4. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    Except for all the guns and drugs.
  5. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    Haha, the planet would implode if that were to happen. What's wrong with cargo shorts? tevas? Had to google, thought you misspelled Texas :P
  6. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    That would be too fun to cram the STi turbo in this little grocery getter. Yea, we did run as fast I we could lol. Under the front was just like Chaz said, nice oil drip right in the middle of the engine. Besides, I've wanted an Outback for years, shhh don't tell nobody. It actually exactly...
  7. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    So how interchangeable are these? Are there good easy swap options like Hondas?
  8. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    We went with the Subaru
  9. xj0hnx

    Finally got a new job w0ot!!!

    Thanks, and yea it is pretty interesting. I was actually going to freelance this same idea to some smaller dealerships in town, but this came along first. Of course now I am learning the inside details to be able to offer a better, more professional package to clients if/when I strike out on my own
  10. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    Haha, well our other choice so far that I have found is a 2001 Saturn SL1, it's a stick, and clean, has a radio, cold ac, and runs good, but it's from a car company that no longer exist, and they are asking a few hundred over Blue Book.
  11. xj0hnx

    Finally got a new job w0ot!!!

    lol, yea, sometimes it's hard to not get caught in the reflections. We shoot a three minute video, and do the captures while we're shooting, so we can't really take the time to set up a clean shot :)
  12. xj0hnx

    Finally got a new job w0ot!!!

    So when the economy started tanking the RC Helicopter shop seemed immune for quite a while, but it eventually caught up to us and the guys with the disposable income started sitting instead of giving it to us every day. So I decided that my dad could do without the strain of overpaying me, and...
  13. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    I doubt it, engine bay is really clean, looks nice. These guys don't have a clue, both of the CV boots are torn, they didn't know, and didn't care. There is no bargaining at this place, it's one of those joints that exploits people with bad credit by not doing any credit checks, but charges...
  14. xj0hnx

    2003 Outback or 2001 Passat 2.0 turbo?

    So I am torn between these two. The Passat has a beautiful engine, but the interior is,while clean, falling apart. The Outback has a nice looking engine too, way nice interior, but is 2000 more. The Passat is 2200, the Outback is 3995. Opinions on either? Both?
  15. xj0hnx

    UK military helicopter aerobatics

    No, a real helicopter can not sustain inverted flight because they can not achieve negative pitch. RC helis can do it because the rotor heads are designed for both positive, and negative pitch
  16. xj0hnx

    Went "dumpster Diving" today ...

    Ahhh, ok, gotcha
  17. xj0hnx

    Went "dumpster Diving" today ...

    English motherfucker, do you speak it?
  18. xj0hnx

    Went "dumpster Diving" today ...

    Nope, kids went off to college, and they were just cleaning out the garage.
  19. xj0hnx

    Went "dumpster Diving" today ...

    I'm putting everything from that dive on Craigslist, printer, GPS, Dirt Devil, golf clubs, probably the tripod, if I don't take a hammer to it and destroy it.
  20. xj0hnx

    Went "dumpster Diving" today ...

    Nope, I used it all day yesterday with the head in just about every orientation possible, not a hint of an issue. It was some freak accident because I after I locked it on I made sure it was locked down since I was walking a little bit with the tripod.
  21. Try your Search on Google
