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  1. P

    top ten reasons....

    4. How many 4 inch potatoes have you ever seen?
  2. P

    Some crazy Buick driver!

    Comes up on my right side at like 65 (in a 55 zone), and cuts me off, then tailgates the guy in front of me. So i'm like WTF, there's no cops around, I'll follow this guy... well I stopped accelerating at 110 mph, but he kept going. In the end I got his plate number and called it in to the...
  3. P

    LOL this is BEYOND rice Civic There's the real ricer!
  4. P

    pissedoff cr-v

    Yesterday some dumbass almost rear ended me when I slowed down in a construction zone. I looked in my mirror and he was within 6 inches of my rear bumper and the car was bouncing from his suspension. So I got on the freeway to come home and he got on behind me, and passed me at like 80 MPH...
  5. P

    speeding tickets suck

    I got pulled over by an animal control truck last year. He said he paced me at 60 MPH in a 35 zone. The entire time he followed me, he was tailgating me so close I couldn't even see his windshield. <_< So, naturally I fought the ticket. [There is nothing to lose, you get a chance to have...
  6. P

    small honda motors

    I kept up with a 5.0 liter Rustang one time. I have a D-series engine :( Dude, that hurts. I went to the damn track with you, and i'm only 17!
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