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  1. MadMaXXX

    Yet another fuel efficient car 282 mpg

    its pretty amazing how much the cost of carbon fiber has gone down though.
  2. MadMaXXX

    Yet another fuel efficient car 282 mpg

    Laugh at High Gas Prices With a 282-mpg VW | Autopia from Except this one is actually ready, and will be, produced. Also, looks about as safe as a bike.
  3. MadMaXXX

    can we please just let them fail?

    On the one hand I agree that bailouts are shit; but on the other, in the short run, if they fail, the economy will be hurt tremendously, and many people will be out of jobs.
  4. MadMaXXX

    I wouldnt put up with this

    you Masochist!
  5. MadMaXXX

    Anyone else eat seeds?

    I love roasted sunflower seeds. I get the primo, sifted, huge, Israeli ones, by the kilo; they are usually sold at the candy/nut shops. They are like 3 times larger than the normal ones and are damn addictive.
  6. MadMaXXX

    92 Hatch GSR Front End Conversion

    That looks nice! great job. The lines flow well and everything. Im not a big fan of that integra front end, but it looks no worst on your car than on an integra.
  7. MadMaXXX

    Just got an Electric Car 56k bites

    hmm. perhaps you could incorporate some sort of scoop for better cooling. o, and the door panel looks really tacky. Especially with those 4 clips extra visible. :p
  8. MadMaXXX

    Just got an Electric Car 56k bites

    wouldnt opening it up also open it up to dirt and shit?
  9. MadMaXXX

    Aleaf Or Tunercrazed?!?!

  10. MadMaXXX

    Aleaf Or Tunercrazed?!?!

    Hey Cel. Now that Aleaf is out of your area, will you reveal the evil plans you truly had in store for her? I mean, I dont think anyone believed this compassion shit that you were going on about. Cmon, be honest, did you need a gimp for your newly constructed dungeon?
  11. MadMaXXX

    chucke cheese band lol

    that 1st song was unbearable. lol, kaqkaka, i make joke! Miss New Booty, made by the same guy, was posted before hes got some skillz. one of the few times i wish i had a grandiose disposable income.
  12. MadMaXXX

    Bad ads

    i keep seeing that ad, but dont know where. look at the way he is standing. sexy sexy. :wavetowel2:
  13. MadMaXXX

    moron of the day award goes to....

    ye there were a bunch of people saying he hydro locked his engine from putting water in his gas tank :bash:
  14. MadMaXXX

    moron of the day award goes to....

    that rsx board is a bunch of shitsucking asshole idiots; including the OP.
  15. MadMaXXX

    Its vacation time ...

    That must have been one hell of a diner. fresh fish FTW
  16. MadMaXXX

    damn nick hogan damage

    exactly. He also chose not to wear his seat belt.
  17. MadMaXXX

    Want to trade for a more reliable CRX

    leave poor twinkie alone. he raises some decent issues regarding the trade. to clarify, i believe aleaf will make it worth your while :wink: :wink: if you "trade" your your running car, for her beat up POS :D
  18. MadMaXXX

    I love this sign, i dunno random pictures thread.

    i keep seeing that online, but is that even real?
  19. MadMaXXX

    I love this sign, i dunno random pictures thread.

    i have seen that sign before took me a second to put the jumble of letters together
  20. MadMaXXX

    My 00 civic

    looks good. what model is it?
  21. Try your Search on Google
