I love this sign, i dunno random pictures thread.

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The Trisexual
I dunno why but I LOVE this sign, every time I see it, it puts a smile on my face.

And I saw this sticker on some van this morning on the SIE, got a good laugh out of it.


And lastly, this little SMART car, thing is tiny, probably a quarter the size of my Jeep.


I had more pictures of the SMART, I dunno what happened to them


Just drive through a body of water. No seriously, my grandmother looked at the screen and asked me how do I plan on getting though the water.

I guess this can be another random picture thread.
That sign is pretty funny, I laughed.
A church's sign near my road reads "God loves your knee mail". it makes me giggle.
On the other side of Brooklyn, it says "Oy Vey", going into Brooklyn from Staten Island it says "How Sweet it is", I think there are a couple more but I don't remember, I'll try to get pics, but the "fuhgeddaboudit" has always been my favorite, I finally decided to get a picture. I'm surprised I got such a perfect picture I was doing like 40 mph when I was passing the sign and my phone was on full zoom. I think I'm gonna make it my desktop backgrond.

ive actually been there... inside there is (was) a big award plaque on the wall that said:

Award of Excellence

no camera or camera phone at the time when i went through there :(