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  • Users: ScrapinSi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. ScrapinSi

    Anybody looking for a job? Few Opportunities...

    My company is looking for some technicians. We have an opening for a technician in North Andover, MA and another in Branchville, NJ... If anybody is interested, drop me a line.. Field Service Technician Andover Gunther International, Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of intelligent...
  2. ScrapinSi

    Gave the Laptop a Tuneup & Oilchange.. lol..

    So my laptop has been acting very sluggish lately, overheating at times, and just seems slow and cluttered... So yesterday was a slow day, so I figured I'd go through it, and clean out the junk... First the specs.. P4 3.6ghz HT 1gb SDRAM 100gb HD 17" Widescreen First off... 15gb free...
  3. ScrapinSi

    I'm pissed off at Firefox 2.0

    Finally installed it this morning... I just noticed the built in spellcheck... kinda cool... But I'm pissed... On all of my boards, I can use ALT+S to do a quick post... Well in FF 2.0, ALT+S = History!!! WTF!!?!?!?
  4. ScrapinSi

    Who works with SQL Server?

    So everytime we need to run a software update on our systems, we copy the new version of the executable onto the system, but then we need to execute SQL scripts. Sometimes there is one, sometimes there is 30. Does anybody know of any type of program/installer that could either automatically...
  5. ScrapinSi

    Anybody use the Samsung i730?

    So my Samsung SCH-a650 (BEST PHONE EVER) is starting to show some mileage.. It is my company phone... Had it for... 3 years now.. My company has tried to give me a new phone twice now... A Nokia 2366i... YUCK! No thanks... I like my Samsung, even though it doesn't have bluetooth or...
  6. ScrapinSi

    I love EVDO Internet....

    So the software developers for my company were in town yesterday... So last night we were gonna go out to dinner and some drinking (Geeks can hold their liquor BIGTIME)... In the afternoon, one of our field sites had some issues with their SQL database, so the software developer and I connect...
  7. ScrapinSi

    Webcam Server Software Needed..

    What's out there for Webcam Software? Preferably free.. I need to have a Webcam active 24/7 on my desk for work and I'm trying to think of the easiest way to access the client... Whether it be http, or an automatic Yahoo connection or what... Opinions? I need something stable & reliable...
  8. ScrapinSi

    1984 Pontiac Fiero For Sale...

    I know there is a For Sale Forum, but this is for a co-worker who is local. I figured Steve might be interested... Something to possibly try and keep up with the big bad vega... :D Like I said, I am listing this for a co-worker, figured maybe somebody would be lookin for a beater or AutoX...
  9. ScrapinSi

    Time for my homeowners Rant....

    ...Double check everything... Turn on furnace, furnace kicks on... Circulator pump doesn't... Hmm.... 30 seconds... Safety switch pops... MOTHERF**KER!!! hmmm... maybe it is the pump... Off to Homo Depot... New Pump... $79.. On my way home, I think about it... Wait a second.. The circulator...
  10. ScrapinSi

    My quest for a new Vehicle.. Opinions wanted...

    So the wife never drives the van ('05 Grand Caravan SE), and always wants to drive the CRV... I miss having a 5 speed, so I figure since I'm stuck with the payment, might as well trade it in for something I like... Here are my requirements... '04 or newer 4 Door Or Wagon 5 Speed 20+mpg...
  11. ScrapinSi

    Simple Home Design Software...

    Anybody know a nice, simple home design piece of software? I want to do a rendering of my house to scale, before and after the addition. I would really like something that I can punch in dimensions and such, and build off of that. I started using Google SketchUp, and its not bad... But I...
  12. ScrapinSi

    Yahoo Widget...

    This thing is pimptastic!! Its a background process that can run all kinds of java plugins... I have a Weather Channel Doppler, WiFi Strength, CPU Monitor, Mem Monitor, woot feed and a few others, all in the background ready at a single Keystroke... Anybody else use this...
  13. ScrapinSi

    I want a Mac... And I'm making my PC a mac... :)

    So I was at my sisters house today, and her boyfriend has a 17" Macbook Pro... 2ghz, 2gb ram, bluetooth, all the stuff.. Its been a few years since i've handled a mac... and wow... The quality of everything just bedazzled me... How everything is intertwined and included is just amazing... From...
  14. ScrapinSi

    Problems with Shutdown.exe XP SP2

    I am trying to use shutdown.exe to shutdown a remote desktop. Something strange is going on... I have 2 machines here. Each machine has 2 PC's on their own networks. Both PC's on Both Machines are XP SP2. Both PC's on Both Machines are using the same login name (With Admin Rights) Both...
  15. ScrapinSi

    Think this customer is gonna be mad?

    A customer that we have just bought a bunch of new equipment. Well, each piece of equipment is going to be linked through a central sql database.... I just finished running the numbers on what they are going to need for firepower to contain it all... Minimum of: Dual Xeon Dual Core 2.6ghz or...
  16. ScrapinSi

    *NSFW* The wrongest wrong thing to ever be wrong...

    This is so wrong...
  17. ScrapinSi

    Anybody have DirecTV?

    I'm thinkin about switchin... The cable company here SUCKS... $43 a month for BASIC crappy cable... No Comedy Central, No Speed Channel... But 9 Public Access channels... :( Anybody have it? How much do you pay? It seems like it might change price from month to month? What about your...
  18. ScrapinSi

    My new laptop... Big and badass... (No its not a Dell)

    So my 3ghz G40 wasn't cutting it anymore. My work now requires alot of remote desktop & VNC work, onto PC's that are at 1280x1024... And when you are tunneling connections, and your laptop only goes up to 1024x768... It starts sucking QUICK... So I told I.T. I needed something with Power like...
  19. ScrapinSi

    Wanted: Car Show Judges...

    My buddies at Swift Motorsports are having their Summer Slam on July 23. Some of you may remember it from last year, with the drifting exhibition... Well, we need judges for this year... Looking for people that can be at the waterford speedbowl around 7-8am, and can dedicate most of the...
  20. Try your Search on Google
