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  1. easyheimer

    Enjoying my new HDTV

    lol, yeah, it was something stupid too. i didn't know how to change the video settings... AV1 AV2 etc. but now its working and damn...
  2. easyheimer

    Enjoying my new HDTV

    Well i just bought a HDTV today and holy shit does it make a difference. The picture is so much more detailed, and so much more clear. I got an xbox 360 and it is amazing on the HDTV. I really never knew there was this much of a difference, it just amazes me how technology is coming along.
  3. easyheimer

    Dealing with Stress.

    yeah, i also was not aware stress could affect you physically too.
  4. easyheimer

    Dealing with Stress.

    lol, well im not turning to drugs or alcohol to flush out my problems, and i get plenty of sex. i just need to find a way to get away from everything and just stop stressing and thinking about my anxiety. it sucks big time. i just feel bad for all you people that use drugs and alcohol to get...
  5. easyheimer

    Dealing with Stress.

    Damn. Lately i've been stressing out big time. I don't know why, because I don't have that much to be stressed about. I just started a new job and I'm "TRYING" to manage with all the stress. I went to the doctors cause ive been so fatigued and fucked up lately with migraines and he told me that...
  6. easyheimer

    For all you Fall Out Boy fans...

    I thought Weezer was the worst live band ever, but i guess i was wrong. I feel bad for all you Fall Out Boy fans out there, this might be a little hard to watch. Click here to watch the worst live band ever.
  7. easyheimer

    Eye Floaters ... Anyone Else Have Them?

    lol, i dont think you guys have any clue what im talking about, but thats ok. they aren't sunspots, cause sunspots arent permanent and they dont move around in your eye like floaters do. also, i get like sparkler like things in my vision when i get headaches, and those drive me nuts too. lol...
  8. easyheimer

    Eye Floaters ... Anyone Else Have Them?

    yeah, i know all about the retina detachment stuff already. i have already been in to the doctors a couple times now for them, and they say that they are normal and it is a part of aging and most likely will go away on their own. they said they are harmless and shit, but they are annoying as hell.
  9. easyheimer

    Eye Floaters ... Anyone Else Have Them?

    For some odd reason, i have little black transparent dots / floaters in my eyes. They bug the shit out of me and I just want to come on here and see how many, if any, other people have them. They sucks big balls.
  10. easyheimer

    couple new pics of the condo

  11. easyheimer

    i've officially seen it all.

    lol, thats pretty sad. that diner is the biggest white trash attraction in town. i thought they'd be closed by now...
  12. easyheimer

    couple new pics of the condo

    Well at least i see you got your ps2 all hooked up and your christmas lights all the important stuff is out of the way. lol.
  13. Try your Search on Google
