couple new pics of the condo

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i found my camera finally :p

here's a couple snap shots. it's still a mess... but it's getting there....





Well at least i see you got your ps2 all hooked up and your christmas lights all the important stuff is out of the way. lol.
Isnt that TV a tad bit too close to that door? sure would suck to watch TV durning the day.
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Bachelor's pad at it's best... My house isn't much better right now.

I need a better tv. :-/


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Well at least i see you got your ps2 all hooked up and your christmas lights all the important stuff is out of the way. lol.

You're a funny bastard :laugh:

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Isnt that TV a tad bit too close to that door? sure would suck to watch TV durning the day.

holy glare batman!
Cool. Looks about where I would have gotten with unpacking- TV, game system and computer out- everything else in boxes. :wink:
Take out your trash!

also get yourself at the very least a queen sized bed, I have a queen size bed and even then I still find it to be not roomy enough when sleeping with another person.
Wow, that makes me glad my hous eis one story... Much more usable space.

Looks pretty nifty, B. Taking pics inside a house really doesn't do well to show off the size of a place... it's hard to take good pics of an overall room.
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Take out your trash!

yeah, i just brought all that down tonight. it will be going with me to the dumpster on the way to work in the morning. the dumpster is like 1/4 mile away... lol

also get yourself at the very least a queen sized bed, I have a queen size bed and even then I still find it to be not roomy enough when sleeping with another person.

yeah, bed set is in my future. i just don't have the cash for it right now.... and no one is sleeping with me anyway...

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Wow, that makes me glad my hous eis one story... Much more usable space.

mine is 3, technically... the way the stairs are designed eats a lot of space, but makes the place look really open. its more than enough room for me. i have the whole bedroom with just boxes of crap and my guitar stuff...
and that room outside the laundry room in back of the garage... i have no idea what to do with that either...

i think eventually i'll move my desk into the spare bedroom and make it an office...
but i need to get a good alarm clock first... reg clocck radios aren't loud enough to wake me.... i have a program on my computer called the "screaming banshee alarm". its the most god aweful noise you'll ever hear... but it gets the job done. i just don't hear shit when im out.

Looks pretty nifty, B. Taking pics inside a house really doesn't do well to show off the size of a place... it's hard to take good pics of an overall room.

yeah, you loose half the room cuz you're standing in it... lol total sq ft is 1175 or something like that, not including the garage or that room off the laundry room (no heat = not considered livable space by law)

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looks good. More and more of a reason for me to move the fuck out. Too bad I don't have a job.

get a job y0!
Your washer has an "infinite water setting" ?
yeah supposedly it knows how much water to use based on how much clothes are in it or some shit. some water saver feature...
oh, because I think you should take that picture, mail it to Ethiopia and write "Wish you were here" on it :)

Practice random acts of evil.
that makes me feel better about the way my house looks. thanks brian. thats a real confidence booster.

Nice TV btw...