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  1. Cashizslick

    planking is so out...

    'Leisure dive': Summer posers caught mid-air in new photography craze | Mail Online .
  2. Cashizslick

    This car gets better the more you look at it

    This car gets nicer if you spend more time looking at it... but im still feeling meh about it. From the front it looks like a honda accord with a horrible body kit. Intercooler is so big this car must have cooling problems. Upon closer inspection.. Large brakes and crappy wheels. Left hand...
  3. Cashizslick

    Google knows if ur gay

    :ph34r: Critics: Google hides Gay Pride feature -
  4. Cashizslick

    WPM speed test :ph34r: Never timed myself b4. I did the text 2x and got 72 wpm unadjusted each time.. this time had 3 less errors.
  5. Cashizslick

    Why arent you speaking english?

    Awesomeness of the day: YouTube - ‪Texas State Senator Expresses Outrage at Spanish Testimony‬‏ “Why Aren’t You Speaking English?” | Houston News - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic
  6. Cashizslick

    Town instals teen-vandal repellent system

    Teenager repellent ftw. Screech Machine Could Drive Teens Away From Park « CBS Minnesota
  7. Cashizslick

    Ebay of the day

    Audi : S4 | eBay This is an amazing deal. If I needed a car, i’d hunt this thing down... its got a new clutch and a rebuilt motor.
  8. Cashizslick

    Cars to have Manditory "Black Boxes"

    Sweeeeet. Now all cars are going to get gps trackable black boxes by the end of the year. Autos Insider | U.S. to propose mandatory vehicle 'black boxes' | The Detroit News
  9. Cashizslick

    Googles nfc payment unveiled

    I have no doubt this will be the next cool "thing" and will catch on with the smartphone crowd, but what I just dont understand how this is any more convenient than having a credit card. You still have to take something out of your pocket in order to pay, and if you lose your phone you are...
  10. Cashizslick

    0bamas limo gets stuck
  11. Cashizslick

    Streisand effect

    The streisand effect has been in full force today. Apparently some english soccer player is suing twitter because he doesnt want the details of an affair getting published. Sunday Herald publishes barely concealed picture of 'injunction footballer' | Mail Online I never would have...
  12. Cashizslick

    CDC warns of Zombie Apocalypse

    CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse' - :ph34r:
  13. Cashizslick

    Cellphones to receive govt text messages

    Time to stock up on pre-2012 cell phones from metropcs. National Emergency Alert System Set To Launch In NYC « CBS New York
  14. Cashizslick

    Govt plan to tax drivers by the mile

    Obama administration floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile - The Hill's Floor Action The article says its a "preliminary draft". It is worth noting that if something like this is already in the planning stages, implementation cant be too many years away. Its also worth noting that we are...
  15. Cashizslick

    Car of the day

    There is an exotic car dealership that I walk by whenever I go out to the piers facing NJ. I guess they were cleaning the place, because they had a few of the “cheaper” vehicles parked out in the street. Saw this 911 GT3 RS and figured I’d snap a few pics.
  16. Cashizslick

    Obama releases long form birth cert

    White House Releases Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate - Maybe this issue can die now.
  17. Cashizslick

    Drive by caught on tape (Video)

    Brooklyn, New York, street execution caught on CCTV | Mail Online More like a walk by - most of us dont have cars in nyc. Click for vid.
  18. Cashizslick

    Ron Paul announces Presidential Bid - Ron Paul Launches Presidential Campaign - Monday, April 25, 2011 Its Official
  19. Cashizslick

    RECOVERY my @$$

    My business partner and I run an office in downtown manhattan. Right now we are the only two people working here and handle everything ourselves. We put up an add for $24000/year job for an office assistant/gofer person to run errands and help out. The phone will NOT STOP RINGING!!! We...
  20. Cashizslick

    Happiness pie chart D:

    Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better . . . for most of us anyways. Happiness is U-shaped ... which explains why the middle-aged are grumpy - Telegraph
  21. Try your Search on Google
