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  1. B

    New Car Question

    My buddy said it looked good but he doesnt know shit. Also he said the guy who owned BOTH of the cars said he changed the oil when it was due and took care of it. I dont know if this is true i havent had time to check it out myself or not. I just wanted oppinions if it was a good idea or not, i...
  2. B

    New Car Question

    Is it a good idea to buy a car that already has a swap in it? Im not sure if this has been posted before but i just yesterday saw both a civic and a prelude that were for sale and it had a H22A4 swap in them. Im not a huge civic fan but i love preludes so i was thinking bout shootin for it or...
  3. B

    Whats With People Who Have Stock Engines

    well lets see.... i drive a prelude. Theres more show then go on it right now BUT that will all change. Or i guess its already started to.
  4. B Engine

    o yeah i forgot, whatever u do make sure u put some extra stickers on. I have noticed a great deal of performance gain w/ mine.
  5. B Engine

    man where do i sighn up i could use another 200,000 dollars. Imagine how much that will help.... Man just slap on a bottle of N20 and it will haul ass.
  6. B

    Almost Got Arrested

    thank god for the green stuff. lucky man, watch out though u never know bout next time...
  7. B


    yeah my uncle just called he lives up in denver, man that must be abitch getting around up there right now. I live in the next state over so hopefully we dont catch that weather that would blow. But we probaly will like always
  8. B

    Iraq Is Getting Owned As We Speak!

    Honestly im kinda relieved the fighting has started. Although i dont want nething to happen to my family and freinds that r already or on there way there. Im thinking bout joining up myself maybe the army who knows. One of my friends was asking me if they let diabetics fight or join i have no...
  9. B

    Hot Import Nights

    Have ne1 in here ever been to a HIN show. I have been wanting to get tickets for some time but i didnt know if they were even worth it or not. I was just wanderin what oppinions were on that show.
  10. B

    Go Away If Easily Offended

    haha ya i found that sight along time ago. I have been meaning to send a pic of my friend christians' car on there. it is definatly that sort of material. U would all die of laughter if u saw it. I need to go get some pics.
  11. B

    Poll About Hyperwhites

    $1000 dollars ddaaammmnnn. FUCK THAT, thats all i have to say on that subject
  12. B

    Women :p

    That is so true, u hit it dead on. No more PC shit seriously, i hear that enough
  13. B

    Would You Hit It?

    Fuck it, im not all that much older then her so id hit it. Its all gravy baby
  14. B


    haha i think both avatars r tight. But BlackJDMdeath's willl never get old to me that will crack me up forever haha.
  15. B


    Yeah i played that game like 2 its pretty tight but i got shot to shit cuz i didnt know the controls. My lil cuzin is so obsessed w/ it. I have to admit i love the shoot nething that moves games.
  16. B

    Dairy Queen Blizzards

    phat im gonna go to hawaii all summer to visit my family il have to check that out. North shore is the shit.
  17. B

    Would You Hit It?

    well shit haha send the pics over here sweetinstinct haa.
  18. B

    Would You Hit It?

    if thats a bad pic of her than she needs to send me what she calls a good one and her phone # cuz i have to go to canada myself soon haha.
  19. B

    Cops Got My A$$!

    Sorry dude your fucked.... u better run. go now. run.
  20. B

    Would You Hit It?

    heterosapian- who gives a shit if hed hit it or not, hell i would shiiit. Although im starting to feel blondes are played out but hey theres always rooms for exceptions. She gets 2 thumbs up from me.
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