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ya i know. but i remembered it the other day and thought it went offline.

guess brian is still paying the hosting.....
LOL i was just browsing that page yesterday to show a friend at work. i knew about it a few months ago though. still funny. they got some new ones up there that are pretty awesome (in the newest volume). theres a rex with stickers galore and a HUGE TRD sticker on the windshield :lol:
haha ya i found that sight along time ago. I have been meaning to send a pic of my friend christians' car on there. it is definatly that sort of material. U would all die of laughter if u saw it. I need to go get some pics.
good site, hadn't been there in a long while! still funny funny stuff.....
yea, that site has been down for awhile. i'm glad that it's back up. it makes me appreciate my car more after looking at their cars. :D