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  • Users: cxjon
  • Content: Threads
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  1. cxjon

    i got a new toy

    i got me tein basics Before tein basics after tein basics i got a few more pics but i am lazy
  2. cxjon

    sometime today my son will be born

    my wife went in this morning to get induced due to problems..... the baby is fine we are at 37 weeks which is full term. this is the 2nd and the last!!!1 i will post info once i get home later today
  3. cxjon

    i got in a car accident

    last night i was on the way home at was about 8 pm so there is still light out and wasn't even doing anything wrong ie: speeding and what not so i was going home with my family doing the speed limit and wham a 85 year old lady pulls out from a cross rd and i swerved and smoked her front clip...
  4. cxjon

    What should i name my new son?

    what should i name my new son? we are stuck on these 3 names and we would like to see what other people will say. we got some time to choose he is not due until november
  5. cxjon


    I just found out that my new baby we are having is going to be a boy!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!
  6. cxjon

    I am back, I have super sperm and i am getting married!

    its been a while.... i haven't logged on since brian switched to VB... recap time!!!! i still own a jetta but i also own a 96 accord ex ( my soon to be wifes car) that i want to trade for a odyssey. i have 0 mods on my cars, but i want to mod them. i am no longer selling cell phones, i done...
  7. cxjon

    pics from the dyno

    i wasn't there long but here is the pics i took!!! this is a pic of pats custom shift knob
  8. cxjon

    D16A1 to dohc ZC

    how does this swap work? i am a little dumbe when it comes to older hondas...... my girlfriends little bro is getting a old 86 teg with a high milage D16A1 in it. I know a D16A1 is pretty much a us dohc ZC. my quesion is this a a simple swap... ? i know somethings are going to be different...
  9. cxjon

    new pics of my daily driver jetta

  10. cxjon

    i got another vw

    so i now own a 96 jetta trek.. here is a few pics. the gauges are pimp it needs to be dropped which i wont do! nothing great it drives nice and it looks good no rust... woot i just installed the radio
  11. cxjon

    HMT D-series race event

    we are thinking of having are our race series for people on a budget or teams that are wanting to have fun and compete on the same playing feild loco sites with the info on it is i copied the rules/regulations to post over here. so here they are guys...
  12. cxjon

    my civic has vx wheels

    traded my ls wheels with azenis on them for a set of vx wheels with all season shit tires on them and for labor on the dub. my civic been thru a lot door dings, rust, deer and beer bottles thrown at her.
  13. cxjon

    2 liter aba golf build

    a while back i started 1st stage of my aba 8 valve vw build and that is to buy the parts i needed. the whole plan is to swap a 2 liter block in while doing that it will bump my cr to 10.5 to 1 from 8.someshit to 1cr that it was at when i got it. since i am bumping cr i thought why not free up...
  14. cxjon

    a funny yahoo convo my friend flea had

    jojo linco: hi BUZZ!!! Flea: whats up? jojo linco: fine asl Flea: 23/m/mn Flea: you? jojo linco: 20 female Flea: where ya from? jojo linco: usa am in nigeria for modelling Flea: thats cool Flea: pics? jojo linco: can u do me afavour Flea: no i'm not going to cash a check so that you can get to...
  15. cxjon

    check this chick out

    link to my space chick the whole reason i posted this chick is because one of us long term members posted her pic and said its his sisters friend.... it was a long time ago probly well over a year the whole reason i remember is the top shes wearing and her sunglasses( i like big tits and have a...
  16. cxjon

    420, wtf??

    so i had a huge headache at work... we had a medicine cabnet and in there i found these packets of ibuprofen.... when i opened them i thought this was funny and had to share
  17. cxjon

    srt4 vs a wrx
  18. cxjon

    pics of my friends new sti wing

  19. cxjon

    turbo d16 vs lt1 rx7

    link to where you can dl the video, once there click the play icon!
  20. cxjon

    my beer bong vid is on big boys

    My Webpage chk it out