5AM. can't fucking sleep.

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green nyquil mixed with a shot of jager.


double shot of each always seems to do the trick :thumbsup:

oh and just an FYI for the NyQuil lovers out there... you CAN still get NyQuil in the "pre-ban" formula (with the Pseudoephedrine)... it is generally kept behind the counter, and you will need to fill out 8 forms, present 3 forms of ID, be placed on a federal watch list, and possibly submit to a cavity search... but for people who loved the old mix, who find the new style just doesnt work for shit, its well worth the hassle
you dont have to go through that.. they just take your info so you cant keep coming back in because it may cause an addiction.. Pseudoephedrine is in meth

double shot of each always seems to do the trick :thumbsup:

oh and just an FYI for the NyQuil lovers out there... you CAN still get NyQuil in the "pre-ban" formula (with the Pseudoephedrine)... it is generally kept behind the counter, and you will need to fill out 8 forms, present 3 forms of ID, be placed on a federal watch list, and possibly submit to a cavity search... but for people who loved the old mix, who find the new style just doesnt work for shit, its well worth the hassle
Jesus Christ man, I'm not letting anyone shove their finger up my asshole for old fashion nyquil. Howd you find this out anyway?
saw "NyQuil-D" behind the counter at a CVS and asked "WTF is that??" counter person told me: "its the old formula"
i was overjoyed... :D i had previously been searching foreign websites trying to find some of the original mix NyQuil... the new blend doesnt work on me for shit

there are some people out there that can take any medicine on the market and it will work fine... there are others that NEED pre-ban NyQuil... nothing else comes close to working for them... im one of the second group

and its not quite that bad of a process of getting it... its like any of the drugs containing Pseudoephedrine... you need to present an ID... fill out a form... and your info goes into a database so they can monitor how much you are buying to make sure you are not trying to use it for making meth

fucking dopers fucked it up for everyone :(
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its 1130, you shouldn't be sleeping yet unless you're 7, or 89
i cant even wake up on time for work! i'm starting to get lazy and wake up right wheni need to be there... I'm supposed to be at work at 8am. every morning i wake up at 7:30 and lay down until 8. itonly takes me 10min to get to work but still. I realy need to be in bed by 10 if i'm not doing anything.

plus i didnt get layed so that sucks. I usually get layed everyday or almost everyday and it knocks me right out. its easier since i do the all the work during sex. by the time i'm done it like i just finished a work out and pass out.

maybe i need some prOne.......
no i'm just too comfy in bed.......

especially when i got my hand on a special bum :lol:
...aaaaaaaaaand still awake. coming up on 40 hours, and I'm not even the least bit tired.

what in the FUCK is going on? like, this isn't fucking normal, is it? I'm not on any drugs, I haven't taken any pills or energy drinks or anything....I'm just legitimately not tired, and I'm not able to fall asleep.

I do suddenly have a strange urge to make soap....
wow, you need 10 hours of sleep a night?

roll one out :D

i read a scientific study a while back that says people who get 8 or more hours of sleep per night have a shorter life than people who sleep 6-7 hours.
shorter because you sleep more so you miss out on more of life and literally shorter, time wise.

i usually sleep 5-6 hours a night, any more and i cant get up and ill be nodding off all day.

E, you made me wanna do some dxm again. lol

tried singing 'rock-a-bye baby'?
for real.. isnt richard simons usually on at around this time?
i think it was around this hour when sherman klump was watching it as he fell asleep..

maybe just watching richard simons will put him to sleep.
5am and up for work! Blar!

Go hit the couch for some late-night TV action. It'll bore you to sleep. There are some days where I just am not tired.. It happens. Stay up, watch TV, whatever.. After a couple of days you'll crash hard and be back to normal.
or you could just go beat off until your drained...:ph34r:

for real though,usually when i cant sleep its when i have alot on my mind. Last night the immigration crap came back up because i have a metting with my laywer and an interview with ins on the 31st.