6% Rent Increase?

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Landlord informed me via email that he would be giving is a 6% rent increase beginning June 1. Seems a touch steep. $1025 to $1085. Any comments? We like the place and we can afford it just fine. Tempted to just tell him to piss off and look for something a little nicer. Considering he has yet to replace the fridge that pisses water nonstop from the freezer to the fridge. He also doesn't maintain the shrubbery like he said he would. Just annoying.
That's a cheap increase in this market. 10% has been the norm I think lately. I have a few friends that have been forced to move because of it. Huge rental scarcity in western washington.

The concerns you have are pretty moot as you're not under al lease any longer unless you rolled month to month. The shrubbery and other yard maintenance usually falls on the burden on the renter. The water can be a hazard, but a lot of fridges are crap that do that.(mine included). I do a crap job at keeping my houses landscaping up to par and little stuff around it, but I undercharge supremely and don't make any one do much outside of the interior.

The landlord isn't doing a good job protecting himself on the rent case by emailing it to you. It really depends on your relationship. I'd of got it in contract and signed in blue pen for an increase.

Also 30 days notice for rent increase up to 10%. 60 days for 10% for 12 year period.
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Alright, appreciate everyone's input. Especially yours Jordan since you happen to be local to me. I just wanted to make sure we weren't getting fucked.
^warm weather tax. That's gotta be it. When my mortgage jumped to over 700 because of a clerical error, that was hell.
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She works in the best school district... ever.
2 things.

1) My rent would have jumped 25% for next year...luckily I already rented a place in dallas and am moving back in a few weeks.
2) Some one married James?
That's not a big increase but I would email back accepting the increase contingent that the landlord replace or repair the refrigerator.
jesus, 3700 sq ft? on a teacher salary? what does your wife do?!

She is a speech pathologist for local school district (making less than me o_O). And the square footage is including the finished basement we are going to be starting soon. Here is a listing of a house two blocks away that has the exact same floor plan, same size yard and smaller deck. Their basement is finished but they can't count it due to not having egress. You also have to remember the house we go into was on the market for 6 months, sold to a relocation company and sat for another six months. We got it for significantly less than the market value because the real estate market crashed right around the time we were buying. We cut it so close that our mortgage program didn't exist one month after we closed.

In CT you can raise the rent after a lease expires t whatever you want, but if you like your tenants it good not to increase too much.
Shit, been renting my place for over 3 years with no increase. Only the first year was in a lease.

1200 sq/ft duplex on 3/4 of an acre. Rent is about 300 less then the average mortgage for a house the size I want to own. Been pretty lucky I guess.