95 Die At Great White Concert

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in case anyone hasnt heard about this yet...

a fire broke out at a club in Rhode Island last night where Great White was giving a concert. the place burned to the ground and so far they have found 95 bodies. the band's guitarist is missing. the fire was caused by stage pyrotechnics, which the club did not have a license for.

Yea, that sucks. First there was that other club, forget where, 21 died because of a pepper spray insident (sp?) when they were tryin to break up fight. This sucks though. I heard the club didn't know the band was gonna be using pyrotechnics. Takes frigin 10 minutes just to make your way to the bathroom in a club, I couldn't imagine if there was a fire.
haha i remember when Great White had that one hit called "Once Bitten Twice Show" back in the early 90s. they were one of those hair bands...LOL
At 545 am I heard that 31 people died, then throughout the day it kept going up. That is some fucked up shit.
I saw on the news that other clubs have come forward saying GW had attempted to use pyro without permission several times.
>bump< count is at 96 now :( ...and the guitarist is still missing. many of the remains are not yet identified, and are burned beyond recognition.
man talkinga bout that i sat next to one of those guys from great white on a plane when i was on my way home from chicago about 2years ago. they had thier leather jackets with the great white logos on the back and i was thinking man these are some old ass rockers,i had never heard of them anyways when the guys next to me got off he actually dropped one of his big earings and i have it somewhere in my navy stuff(i was enlisted for 4yrs). that just freaks me out thinking about it. :(
Originally posted by RENR@Feb 22 2003, 01:19 AM
man talkinga bout that i sat next to one of those guys from great white on a plane when i was on my way home from chicago about 2years ago. they had thier leather jackets with the great white logos on the back and i was thinking man these are some old ass rockers,i had never heard of them anyways when the guys next to me got off he actually dropped one of his big earings and i have it somewhere in my navy stuff(i was enlisted for 4yrs). that just freaks me out thinking about it. :(


He was in the Navy and has a colection of guys earrings?!?

:o :huh: :) :D :lol:
hey man i was serious and its not a stupid colection its just one retard :P .
On aol, they have this one CNN video of inside the concert before it happened. It was fucked up. They had the flames on the stage then all of a sudden the music stoped and people started yelling fire. You could even here people yelling

"keep moving"
"I am trying to but i cant move"

Real sad.