Anyone know about grass?

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Couple pics around my back yard. It's a ton of work but the kid and dog love it.


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I really thought this was going to be a thread about weed. However, my brother lives on a pretty decent sized corner property and when he bought the house (it was a fixer upper) his HoA was hounding him about the grass situation, so we sodded the whole thing with about 5 guys on a Saturday with a steady supply of pizza and beer.
I already saw it, it's going to take me about 43 hours to get out there, see you Sunday :ph34r:
Generally people that live out in the woods, do so for a reason, and you enter at your own risk.
I won't be dropping in.
"If you know me, call me, otherwise GTFO"
Yeah that's pretty awesome. Don't ever move. I can buy 30 acres for 90 grand and put a new house on it about 45 minutes from me with deer and turkey to shoot at. But it doesn't come with a mountain.
Yeah that's pretty awesome. Don't ever move. I can buy 30 acres for 90 grand and put a new house on it about 45 minutes from me with deer and turkey to shoot at. But it doesn't come with a mountain.
I have deer, elk, bear, bobcat, cougar, pretty much everything on our property. We've taken several deer and elk on our property. It's pretty fun. My great great aunt built the house in 1939 so we won't be leaving anytime soon but someday I'll land in Idaho or Montana. Considering we could walk with close to 400k from our house right now and pay cash for my dream property in either state it's pretty hard to not hit the bricks
Here's a couple thieves that broke into my woodshed


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Yeah we spent 10 days in Alaska last July and it started me dreaming. Not sure what I would do for money but it's absolutely amazing.

Maybe someday.
Yeah we spent 10 days in Alaska last July and it started me dreaming. Not sure what I would do for money but it's absolutely amazing.

Maybe someday.
It's fun to have something to dream about. Something to feel like your working towards
Replant affected areas with a more urine-resistant grass.
Ryegrass and Fescue are the most urine-resistant type of grass, while Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda are the most sensitive.

Learn something new everyday.
I run a rye/fescue blend exclusively. It's about as tolerant as you can get for every condition. It's great in shade it can handle full sun, it'll grow in clay or sand. It's the way to go.
Thats good information, may need to start seeding with a blend like that. I have one section of yard that only gets sun in the very early and then it is shaded by two sycamore trees the rest of the day. I have something growing there that looks like grass but it grows in thick clumps and looks full when it's grown up but one it gets mowed you can see how blotchy it is.
Hey @chadcharb, what's the best way to level out uneven soil under the grass? My grass is decent, but when I laid the sod last spring, it wasn't quite perfectly level and there's a few lows spots.

Also, is now a good time for reseeding?
Hey @chadcharb, what's the best way to level out uneven soil under the grass? My grass is decent, but when I laid the sod last spring, it wasn't quite perfectly level and there's a few lows spots.

Also, is now a good time for reseeding?
Now is a good time to reseed to use minimal water. The best way to level would be to top dress over your current turf unless you want to start over again. With the space that you have it'd be pretty easy to do.
Now is a good time to reseed to use minimal water. The best way to level would be to top dress over your current turf unless you want to start over again. With the space that you have it'd be pretty easy to do.
Cool, thanks!
Hey @chadcharb, what's the best way to level out uneven soil under the grass? My grass is decent, but when I laid the sod last spring, it wasn't quite perfectly level and there's a few lows spots.

Also, is now a good time for reseeding?

Use one of those a few times after a decent rain has made the ground wet enough to smash down. They usually can be connected to the back of a riding mower and just pull behind.