B16a 1st Gen Vtec Power Loss

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kakarrott
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I have my baby16A first gen and i installed a black neon light hehehe
for a VTEC indicator my VTEC kicks in at about 4700 rpm,
the light comes on i hear the vtec loud but the where my PROBLEM begins i lose all my power the vtec push is not their it just seem to die down still running but with less power than 1000 rpm to 4700rpm
i kinda have a clue that it might be my fast idle sensor not shure because it does run good in the morning i feel the power keep going in the morning when i go to work so it work when its cold but not in the daytime WHATS UP HELPPPPPP.....
that is actually a good idea for a vtec light, besides the rice factor, I think that shit is wicked cool.

it could be alot of things, are you throwing a check engine light?
I was getting the check engine light but it just went away aftera while i think it was cuz my speedo cable was disconnected i got a 89 integra one its way longer any way the only ECU error im getting is #17 wich is VSS (Vehicle Speed sensor) i guess its cuz when i bout the B16A with factory LSD it can with a electric speedo so i had to convert it to cable so im thinking thats why i get that error maybe not shure.
well im not sure about vtec, I'm having a mental block as to what causes that though. I know I've heard it before
Hey well i am just taking a wild guess here, but if your ecu isnt gettign a readong on your speed for your vehicle speed sensor vtec wouldn't come on would it? Which might explain why there is no power, becuase vtec isnt switching on. You have to be going over something like 15 mph for vtec to activate or something but if your ecu wasn't getting a reading from your VSS mabey it isn't engaging vtec. Just a wild guess, probably am wrong sens i dont know exactly what a vss is.

My .02
Also if your speedo came undone then started working again, Your ECU might have stored that code mabey? I am not sure, try pulling your hazard fuse and shit and resetting the ECU. Might work also but who knows. lol

OK vtec light (Wich i put a black light neon as vtec indicator RICE) is going on so that means vtec solenoid is getting power wich i would imagine would start vtec maybe the VSS ( Vehicle Speed Sensor) does play a part of it but i really doubt it i hear the freakin VTEC like a freight Train LOL really loud come on after 4700 rpm in second gear and above i just dont feel the power after the noise it weakens ....Execpt in the morning when i feel i could take on a freakin SKYLINE >:) rofl plz help on any ideas THANKS ........
Originally posted by hatchboy@Apr 10 2003, 07:21 PM
Hey well i am just taking a wild guess here, but if your ecu isnt gettign a readong on your speed for your vehicle speed sensor vtec wouldn't come on would it? Which might explain why there is no power, becuase vtec isnt switching on. You have to be going over something like 15 mph for vtec to activate or something but if your ecu wasn't getting a reading from your VSS mabey it isn't engaging vtec. Just a wild guess, probably am wrong sens i dont know exactly what a vss is.

My .02

i had a similar problem.im sixteen with a crx b16.my rex started running funny at like 5000rpms ,it would studder. It kept getting worse and worse.So i check wiring, spark plugs ,distributor,sensors and everything else except for one thing.(i was throing a engine lite on and off)but it got REAL BAD. to the point where it would barley run.so i pumped up the fuel pressure.that helped but the problem came back.So i took off the fuel rail to check if my injectors were ok.(i had to take of the fuel rail b/c it is a aem fuel rail and to check the resistance u have to take the fuel rail off.)I noticed that when it was off the injectors were TOTALLY blocked.i cleaned the screens out and she ran perfect ever since.(i also changed my fuel filter,obviosly because other wise it would of come back again)well i hope that helped.GOOD LUCK! :D
Thanks for that seerx but before i installed this motor i took the puppy apart from bottom up i got some msd ignition controller msd wires distributor cap JDM headers CTR pistons and i have the Skunk 2's Springs and titanium retainer mugen thermostat and new gaskets oh yeah i still have the freakin stock cat bat wich i bet will help if i replace it with the DC exhaust i want from santy clause, anyw00t i have seen the inside and out of a B16A and its clean as a Whistle i checked injector screens fuel pressure is good dont know how much pressure yet till i get my pressure regulator and pressure guage next week.How can i explain it sorta sounds feels like 4700rpm it BOGGS its have power then vtec kicks in and still runs butno POW u know makes a bunch of racket no push........I dont know what it is maybe to much air or something i have i short ram for now i ill take it out for a spin tonight to see if it does it at night ........MAYBE MISTER B16A IS A NIGHT MONSTER......LOL
I was getting the check engine light but it just went away aftera while i think it was cuz my speedo cable was disconnected i got a 89 integra one its way longer any way the only ECU error im getting is #17 wich is VSS (Vehicle Speed sensor) i guess its cuz when i bout the B16A with factory LSD it can with a electric speedo so i had to convert it to cable so im thinking thats why i get that error maybe not shure.

How do you convert a vss to cable?what do you need? where did you get it? I have the same setup you have. Thanks
How do you convert a vss to cable?what do you need? where did you get it? I have the same setup you have. Thanks

Dude. This thread is from 2003. All these people are long gone. Check the dates on stuff before you hit reply from now on...