B16A ecu?

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ok. i tried plugging in my ecu and the plugs are way smaller on the ecu i have.
on the top it has DA6 B16A MT VTEC and the ecu code is PR3. do i have to proper ecu and my harness need to be modified more?
-Matt :worthy: :worthy:
i am running obd0 and the engine is a JDM ef sir engine. they engine year is 1989.
this ecu has no LED at all!
should plug up,if you have a digicam take a pic of the connectors at the ecu for us

ur ecu is the rare obd1 pr3 ecu... you need an obd0 pr3 or pw0 ecu.
I have an OBD0 JDM PR3 ECU that you may need. would you be willing to trade straight up if your ECU is indeed the OBD1? let me know. maybe we can help each other out.

i'll let you know... im trying to get the importer to replace it(less downtime) but if they tell me no i will contact you :D

the pic is labeled but the dark ecu plugs is my PR# and the grey/green is my pm5
yah looks like you have the 'rare' OBD1 PR3 ecu, which is basically the same as an OBD1 US P30 ecu.

curious though...
are the distributor & fuel injector plugs on your B16, grey or that yellowy-white color?
my dissy plugs are yellowy white... i think thats what they are supposed to be...
hmm..guess they gave you the wrong ecu on accident. Normally the rarer OBD1 cable B16 engine only comes with an OBD1 PR3 ecu.. your's should have came with an 88-91/OBD PR3 ecu.
i have the proper one now. the guy at the importer said oh they are all like that and you have to get your mechanic to wire it up... that would be hard for him lol
my new one has plugs like the pic of my PM5(top on pic) and the old pr3 had the grey plug that were the bottom in the pic. im all good now though