B16A2 in 91 Integra-Mount bolts?

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I have a 91 Integra with a b16a2 out of a 2000 civic si in it. My driver side mount has snapped 2 sets of bolts off. The three bolts that actually bolt to the block. I am getting tired of buying sets of bolts from honda which are 5 bucks a piece. I was wondering what could be causing this. All the other motormounts are tight and secure. They snap flush with the block and then i have to sit there and mess with them to get them out. I was thinking of buying ARP bolts, but thinking about it made me angry. The motor is stock why would it be so mean and break these off. Ive never even heard of dragsters, or any of my friends who BEAT the hell out of there cars breaking. Whats wrong?
go get your b18 and put it back in there.. i dont see why you swaped it anyway... with the money you spent on the b16 you could have boosted the b18 and been going way faster and prolly not had bolt problems.
werid, for some reason it sounds like you are getting to much tension on that mount, i mean as long as your not lauching you car at 8k with a 4 puck clutch it shouldn't happen haha...is EVERYTHING normal as far as motor postion, other mounts go? the only thing to do without knowing anything else is buy stronger bolts...
are you using the mount from the 91 teg, to bolt to the block? of from the b16?

could be that the mount is wrong, and the other wo mounts are "pulling" the motor away from the driver's side mount point

just a theory