B18b In 97 Dx Mounts Are Blown

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well apparently after looking over my car all my motor mounts are broken/bent/ripped I have no clue how it happened but thats not important right now. The only ones I specifically remember are the ones i had to buy at the time of the swap. The drivers side top mount is a civic mount with a bracket and studs from a 99 SI, and the rear trans mount is from an SI. I already replaced the drivers sid emount and the rear trans moutn is fine, the other mounts need to be replaced but i can't remember which mounts and brackets we had used. If anyone knows FOR CERTAIN which pieces are what let me know. Part numbers would be helpful if you have them.
the best part is the mixrd answers everywhere, our swap guide says one thing, hybrid garages write ups say a few different things. This is what i have so far

option 1: SI Driver Side bracket civic rubber, SI rear trans mount civic rubber, all the rest are civic mounts
option 2: SI Driver Side bracket civic rubber, SI rear trans mount civic rubber, all rest integra mounts
option 3: SI Driver Side bracket civic rubber, SI rear trans mount civic rubber, front trans integra bracket civic rubber, upper trans civic mount civic rubber.

there was one or two more also, Anyone that put a B series into a 6th gen recently and remembers EXACTLY what went where please let me know