Bad Gas Mileage: How much Is It Affected by Nasty Oil?

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So, I can't afford an oil change right now and it's been about, eh....maybe 3300 miles since the last one. I wanted to know how much your gas mileage can be affected by this?

No bashing. I know I need to change my oil, I really want to, but I have NO money right now.

It shouldnt be too bad, it all depends on how you drive your car. Check and feel your oil, is it really dark? Thick or light? The dirtier and older the oil, the less friction reducing it is, therefore the more stress and heat the engine has to work through. You should lose a little milage.

Dont worry my mom usually goes over her oil change by at least 1500-3000kms. I bitch at her everytime and tell her the importance of oil, especially in inferior vehicles (cough Ford Windstar)... then she slaps me..... shes a ford nut.
Lol. Yeah, I figured it'd be pretty bad, considering I drove 15 hours a day on about 1500 of the miles, straight through. But, I've only gone over maybe 400 or 500 at the most. My oil is thick and really dark. So, I know it's pretty shitty.

But I wonder if anyone knows any percentages?