Badass Paintball Gun!

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this thing owns, ill giv u the basic run down and if u r interested IM me on aim Walker0904 , or email me at Its an all black paintball gun, comes with gun(which is a fast shooting semiauto), reg. barrel, co2 tank, exlarge paintball holder, and an extra long SNIPER barrel(it is about twice as long and is "rifled" on the inside to spin the paint ball to get better distance and accuracy). With this sniper barrel on, ive been able to tak out my friends when they were too far away to even see me! The sniper barrel alone cost me 129.99 new! the package will come with the oils, and tools needed to clean the gun properly. I am asking 250$ or best offer, if u r interested at all send me a line! i need the cash. thanks
im at work now and off the top of my head i couldnt tell u the specs, i hav had it in my closet since lik november. wen i go home tonight or tomorw ill post the specs on here.
is about twice as long and is "rifled" on the inside to spin the paint ball to get better distance and accuracy

rifling on paintball guns increases accuraccy and range... :rolleyes:

Tell me how baseball players throw curveballs
ok smart ass, haha, its lik a FOOTBALL, the spiral adds accruacy and range, not a baseball where they throw it side arm and purposly try to mak it curve. im a hockey player so i could use that too, putting spin on the puck as it leaves ur stick gives it accuracy and range over just shuving it in a general direction.
what brand is this gun, and what brand is the barrel.

to end the rifling vs. non rifling debate-

A Firearm induces a spin upon the projectile, for gyroscopic stabilization, by the
use of internal spiral grooves in the bore of the barrel to which the projectile
swages itself by a few thousandths for a gas-tight seal and proper 'grip' to the
rifling lands.

A Paintball gun should NOT induce a spin upon the projectile, in _any_ axis, lest
the accuracy suffer.

That was taken from On top of that- Tom Kaye at airgun designs performed a test using rifled barrels and high speed photography, and the conclusion was that rifling does not spin the paint as a lot of people think. Rifling is all hype.

Not trying to shit on your thread- i just want to stop the spread of misinformation :)
Actually the tippmann 98 custom gun when you add the flatline barell which is a curved barell that curves up about an inch or so that curve is used to give the balls back spin as they leave the barell which in turn helps keep the balls shooting straiter. My friend has this gun and barell and it shoots a lot farther and straiter with this curved barell.
Originally posted by losled@Jan 19 2003, 01:38 AM
Actually the tippmann 98 custom gun when you add the flatline barell which is a curved barell that curves up about an inch or so that curve is used to give the balls back spin as they leave the barell which in turn helps keep the balls shooting straiter. My friend has this gun and barell and it shoots a lot farther and straiter with this curved barell.

the flatline is nothing like a rifled barrel.

and besides, the long range accuracy sucks on the flatlines, but the range is sweet. I used to have a 98 custom/flatline/response frame and i sold it and bought my shocker :)