Best Way To Lean Swap Speak?

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I have been a member of the forum for a couple months now and I've gotten good feedback for questions I've asked. Before hondaswap I was typical ricer who was only interested in the looks and would have someone else deal with the motor. But now I'm all about the JDM sleeper but would like to understand how it all works. I mean I know engine codes and all that but all the info pertainig to ratios and timing and all that good stuff is like some lost language to me. Any help for the new guy? Like where would I start? Like what are the basics that I should get down that would start to make everything else make sense. I mean I have some friends are into the whole scene but they're either too far from me or ricers. I know what I want my ride to look like and I know what engine I want and all that so I'm not totally clueless.
yea, i need to find a celica page like this for my freind, right now he is all into the rice stuff. He told me the other day he ordered DCsport, MUGEN, Spoon, noloy and a tons of other stickers for the celica he is getting pretty soon (mommy and daddy are paying for it) He was asking me, what is an exhaust that is really loud. Also, what altezzas should i get. He wants to drive my car so bad. Never. No rice behind the wheel.

Yea, i was kinda into the rice stuff when i first joined and just reading all the posts tought me alot. True i am still kinda hesitent to do some of the stuff but this site has tought me tons. If you have any ?'s, if they are worded allright and not "how do i get my blinker flashing real fast" Most of the guys here dont mind answering them.

BTW. Been on this site for about 8 months now and i still have no idea what IMO means, anyone want to fill me in?
ask anything you want to know... as long as it relates to performance- which is what you want anyway, no one is going ot bite your head off for being a noob.

What people WILL bite your head off for is STATING things that are not true.

so by all means, if you aren't sure what I'm saying when I type- hey dude, get the jdm itr lcas :lol: refere to the acronyoms list. if its not in there-- ask! dont be like- "oh, that means- hey dude, get the jdm i take reading lessons can't aint shit :)
Originally posted by asmallsol@Feb 5 2003, 01:50 PM
BTW. Been on this site for about 8 months now and i still have no idea what IMO means, anyone want to fill me in?

IMO = In My Opinion
i dunno how yall started but for me it was the skyline. when i was like 10 or something i played test drive. that pretty got me into it. my first favorite car was the viper cuz that was the only car i knew. then it became the nissan skyline. the skyline got me into the technical stuff. so i would just look up stuff and find out through general science/physics. then when u look somtin up, you find somethin else interestin, to tell you the truth it was the australian MRDMGE (civic hb) that got me into hondas, and the fact that all my family street races(cousins). the thing is if you wanna know it all, figure out what you need to go fast, then find out about it.
Originally posted by shaotek07@Feb 5 2003, 04:35 PM
I have been a member of the forum for a couple months now and I've gotten good feedback for questions I've asked. Before hondaswap I was typical ricer who was only interested in the looks and would have someone else deal with the motor. But now I'm all about the JDM sleeper but would like to understand how it all works. I mean I know engine codes and all that but all the info pertainig to ratios and timing and all that good stuff is like some lost language to me. Any help for the new guy? Like where would I start? Like what are the basics that I should get down that would start to make everything else make sense. I mean I have some friends are into the whole scene but they're either too far from me or ricers. I know what I want my ride to look like and I know what engine I want and all that so I'm not totally clueless.

ok, maybe this may already be to your knowledge but if you want some basics to tie everything all in....

1) your engine is basically a glorified air pump. what makes power is lots and lots of pressure pushing the cylinders (compression). the pressure is acheived through combustion (the explosion of the air/fuel mixture, brought about by the spark plug)

2) engine mods are designed to either:

a) increase air pressure/air density in the combustion chamber (turbos/superchargers/intakes)
b ) decrease exhaust backpressure to make the engine breathe more freely (headers/exhaust)
c) increase the fuel ratio to take full advantage of the other mods that increased the air ratio (fuel rail/performance fuel pump)
d) optimize the air/fuel ratio for best performance (programmable engine management systems/performance chips)

3) adjusting spark timing will cause the fuel to combust at a different point in the engine's rotation cycle, and consequently at a different point in the camshaft and crank's rotations. think of pedalling a bicycle. there is a certain point where you should push down on the pedal in order to get the best, most efficent motion. it is the same with your engine's camshaft(s) and crank. changing the timing sort of changes where you push down on the bike pedal during the rotation. understand? ...adjusting timing will also effect the engine's susceptibility to pre-ignition/detonation caused by combustion happening at the wrong time in the cycle (or caused by intense heat from using turbos or nitrous - in that case, retarding the timing prevents the hot air that remains after the initial combustion, from exploding ..leaving nice big holes in the cylinder).

there is alot more to it than that of course but u just asked for the basics right? :)

hope that helps you some. :)