block light but not airflow

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I know I am late to the party but hey I made a person of my own and she arrived early on 9/4. Could it simply be sleep regression? I know it happens around 4 months (and some other times). The sleep thing is tricky and I second the idea of avoiding the blogs. They are full of keyboard warriors parroting advice they heard that worked for one mom they saw in an insta vid. I encouraged my wife to abandon them ASAP as she was starting to stress out reading all the things. SIDS is scary but as long as you are vigilant you can avoid the big issues. We let Everly nap in the swing but we are always in the room making sure she is not slumped over. Ours also reclines a fair bit to avoid the positional asphyxiation you hear about. Hang in there. It will get better.

we are at 6 months in a few days already. time flies!
35 more half years till he's out. lol j/p

yeah, he's sleeping good at night (12 hours some nights all the way through, otherwise up a 2-4 for a feeding and right back out) so we're blessed in that regard. But, he just won't freaking nap. And when he doesn't nap, he screetches at the top of his lungs all day. I just can't. lol

he'll sleep in the car
occasionally in the stroller
and sometimes passes out on my wife after eating

but otherwise, if you try to move him after he passes out, it's instant awake and won't go back down.

he's too big for the swings and bassinets already. we are crib only.

we are at 6 months in a few days already. time flies!
35 more half years till he's out. lol j/p

yeah, he's sleeping good at night (12 hours some nights all the way through, otherwise up a 2-4 for a feeding and right back out) so we're blessed in that regard. But, he just won't freaking nap. And when he doesn't nap, he screetches at the top of his lungs all day. I just can't. lol

he'll sleep in the car
occasionally in the stroller
and sometimes passes out on my wife after eating

but otherwise, if you try to move him after he passes out, it's instant awake and won't go back down.

he's too big for the swings and bassinets already. we are crib only.
He needs to be awake when you lay him down for a nap. On the edge of sleeping but not sleeping otherwise ya he'll wake and be pissed. At 6 months its also a lot of trust and safety in the room for a nap, so that usually has something to do with it. Does he go to daycare or have a full-time caregiver with your wife back working?

Ours was hard to nap at home but would nap at daycare like clockwork in daylight. All the kids do. Really surprising, as to this day, she still does with a cot at daycare but sometimes a total pain at home.
My mom is watching him till the new year. we go to daycare jan 3.

we tried sleep training and laying down for the nap but he just screams and screams. there's no putting him down hoping he'll pass out on his own :(
My mom is watching him till the new year. we go to daycare jan 3.

we tried sleep training and laying down for the nap but he just screams and screams. there's no putting him down hoping he'll pass out on his own :(
Don't give up! Each transition for us would be an hour of screaming at least and then progressively less and less and less.

Daycare will figure it out and you'll be aight. Good luck. Keep at it.