Bored At Work?

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the OG
yeah so i changed some oil. . . 5 times. . . did a rear brake job. . . painted my lift arms. . . took a nap . . . played with my digi cam. . . did a PDI on an 03 accord . . . and thats about it

click here for the pics . . . includes nap time and the school bus yellow lift arms

Now why I know why you and Brian are such good friends--you enjoy doing the same things. But at least you do SOMETHING to deserve a nap :P
Originally posted by Afipunk21@Feb 4 2003, 06:16 PM
Now why I know why you and Brian are such good friends--you enjoy doing the same things. But at least you do SOMETHING to deserve a nap :P

LOL OWN3D!!! :lol:

damn i wish i could be bored at work <_< pissed is more like it for me :angry: some customer just came in and pissed me off about 5 minutes ago, thats why im in here cool off! lol :D must be nice.

your box is only a sohc!

that expression on jeremy's face is priceless :)
pic of me looking at hondaswap when bored will be pretty weak so i will hever post pics boreed at work.
Man at least you have a cool job where you can be bored and do stuff.

I sit at a desk all day and when I get bored I don't get to do shit. I sit here at the desk and kinda stare at the wall.
I sit at a desk all day and when I get bored I don't get to do shit. I sit here at the desk and kinda stare at the wall.

uh oh why do I have a feel that some Office Space quotes will be following shortly?? :D
Originally posted by 4doors4life@Feb 6 2003, 05:07 PM
I sit at a desk all day and when I get bored I don't get to do shit. I sit here at the desk and kinda stare at the wall.

uh oh why do I have a feel that some Office Space quotes will be following shortly?? :D

Yea..... that would be great.
when its slow i find ways to stay entertained . . . but i work on a flat rate pay (kinda like commission) so when its slow, it sucks, and so does the pay check :(
Originally posted by wildbillhatchbac@Feb 6 2003, 05:54 PM
when its slow i find ways to stay entertained . . . but i work on a flat rate pay (kinda like commission) so when its slow, it sucks, and so does the pay check :(

Yikes. That sucks.

I'm actually leaving this job one week from today. I've woked here for about four and a half years, and I feel that it's time to go. I find myself staring at the wall all too often with nothing to do.

The pay isn't that great because its a Government job, and they hardly ever give out any kinds of raises. I think I've gotten two worth mentioning in the whole time I've worked here.

I figure I'll go do something in the private sector, hopefully I can find a place that will pay decent and provide some benifits.... as it is I pay 200$ a month for Kaiser and I've never once used it.
its not to bad. . . i'll just get paed a normal 40hrs not like the usual pay. . . but still not too bad. the winter months are always slow at dealerships, so as a tech you just plan ahead for Jan and Feb, that means less money for toys :(