Boy this sure was funny

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are you in the military? have you been to iraq? do you have any idea what is going on over there, other than what our happy little media tells you?

i don't think the people that laughed at that other picture are the same brand of people that sodomize people with chemical light sticks- it takes a different type of person to do something like that

and you're bitching about some pictures and a few allegations which are probably propaganda?

here's a story for ya- my buddy is in iraq and is the gunner on a humvee- last week, the humvee swerved out of the way of a bomb and careened into a ditch- my buddy climbed out from underneath the humvee and shot two iraqi's before turning around and being clubbed in the throat/face/collarbone by the butt of a gun- he got off the ground (with a broken collarbone) and preceeded to shoot at the fucker who hit him in the throat-

it's shit like that that doesn't make me feel all that bad when i hear about iraqi prisoners being "clowned" on- hanging burned american corpes from bridges is not exactly an action which stirs much compassion inside of me for the iraqi cause
my friend just got back from Iraq---the 253rd transportation company. he said the conditions are shit, and what you see on TV is the best of the best, and a normal soldiers life is nothing like what u see on tv/newspapers. Most of them DONT have laptops, or computer access, or any way to communicate with their familys other than letters.
i think the urniation one is the funniest lol.

but, i think THE FUNNIEST thing to do, would be to bust out a circle jerk on the iraqi prisoner's face lolool

then take a picture and upload it to the internet with the words:

Here is the point. American soldiers CHOSE to join the military and serve as the American government tells them to do. If they dont want to deal with the possibility of getting killed/tortured/maimed then they need to get the hell out of the military.

That being said the conduct of those "soldiers" is absolutly disgusting and i hope that every single one of those are brought up on severe criminal charges. The unfortuate thing is that these dumb ass rednecks are going to be used to represent the whole of America in the Islamic media. Isnt the military supposed to be the last vestige of honor in america? I must say that the actions of these people are far from honorable. The whole point of all this is the fact that every military person, every contractor (the people they burned and hung), and every other american there are there by their own volition. They know the risks and have chosen to forego them for the allmighty dollar. Dont tell me they are there to serve their country because if they did dishonorable shit like the subject matter of this thread wouldnt be happening. To be able to objectify these human beings to the point where they can take pleasure from causing them pain is sick. Pure and simple. They have lost their humanity and if they never come back i think America will be that much better of a place.

To see pictures that the "happy media" wont show you go here:
Originally posted by Guy@May 2 2004, 12:26 AM
Here is the point. American soldiers CHOSE to join the military and serve as the American government tells them to do. If they dont want to deal with the possibility of getting killed/tortured/maimed then they need to get the hell out of the military.

That being said the conduct of those "soldiers" is absolutly disgusting and i hope that every single one of those are brought up on severe criminal charges. The unfortuate thing is that these dumb ass rednecks are going to be used to represent the whole of America in the Islamic media. Isnt the military supposed to be the last vestige of honor in america? I must say that the actions of these people are far from honorable. The whole point of all this is the fact that every military person, every contractor (the people they burned and hung), and every other american there are there by their own volition. They know the risks and have chosen to forego them for the allmighty dollar. Dont tell me they are there to serve their country because if they did dishonorable shit like the subject matter of this thread wouldnt be happening. To be able to objectify these human beings to the point where they can take pleasure from causing them pain is sick. Pure and simple. They have lost their humanity and if they never come back i think America will be that much better of a place.

To see pictures that the "happy media" wont show you go here:





you got NO right to talk asshole, your pussy ass is sitting in your chair, and these guys are out there fighting a way. Are YOU fighting in Iraq? are YOU in their mentality?

fucking liberal faggot fucks.

i hope some military guy comes home from iraq and has a "iraq flashback" (kinda like a vietnam flashback) and shoves a glow stick up your fucking ass.
Originally posted by Guy@May 2 2004, 12:26 AM
Here is the point. American soldiers CHOSE to join the military and serve as the American government tells them to do. If they dont want to deal with the possibility of getting killed/tortured/maimed then they need to get the hell out of the military.

They chose to join the military, and they chose to not sit around bored. I didn't find the humor in it, but I don't get off that way. who cares?

That being said the conduct of those "soldiers" is absolutly disgusting and i hope that every single one of those are brought up on severe criminal charges.

Did you move to Canada sometime in the 70s by any chance?

The unfortuate thing is that these dumb ass rednecks are going to be used to represent the whole of America in the Islamic media.

What's that have to do with anything? Any propaganda fed to them by the Iraqi government before we took it down was 10000000x WORSE than anything the media covers, besides that you know the media hypes up the shit to make it more interesting. Interesting=ratings.

Isnt the military supposed to be the last vestige of honor in america? I must say that the actions of these people are far from honorable.

Who cares about honor? You said it yourself, they signed up for the job. They are there to DO A JOB. They're not there to defend Americas honor, mostly because in Iraqi eyes, The US is t3h bad.

The whole point of all this is the fact that every military person, every contractor (the people they burned and hung), and every other american there are there by their own volition.

Yes and it's about time you showed them a little bit of respect. Hell I'm surprised we haven't heard of more soldiers going absolutely insane to be in that kind of heat during the day and cold at night trying to fight off this relentless, unforgiving enemy which wants nothing more than to see America as a whole burn.

They know the risks and have chosen to forego them for the allmighty dollar.

No, they chose to forgo them for their future. You see as most of them are 18-21 yr olds, they have their lives ahead of them. Joining the military was in their best interest, free college, discounted insurance rates, credit ratings and a steady paycheck. If they're in it for the money, they got into the wrong game.

Dont tell me they are there to serve their country because if they did dishonorable shit like the subject matter of this thread wouldnt be happening.

Right. No one has ever tortured prisoners in the history of mankind warfare...EVER. *cough* Hitler, Stalin *cough*

To be able to objectify these human beings to the point where they can take pleasure from causing them pain is sick.

So if we Hondaswappers were to raid your closet, we would find no leather, strap ons or whips?

Pure and simple. They have lost their humanity and if they never come back i think America will be that much better of a place.

So they're over there defending your right to spout your opinions all over the place, and you'll dishonor them because they wanted to have a little bit of fun? Please, I would LOVE to see you tell them this nonsense to their faces... If you're so but hurt about this simple bullshit "torturing" how about we stick you in a 110 storey building and fly a 757 into it...that way you can see what all those poor people had to see in their final hour.
First off: Tony, fuck you and your attempts at moral relitivism. There are intrinsicly good and bad actions, and there is and never can be any justification for the behavior of those "soldiers".

"Did you move to Canada sometime in the 70s by any chance?"

Nope, but there is no chance I'd ever allow myself to be drafted into a war i do not agree with. In a true call to defend my country I wouldnt hesitate. Perhaps you can remind me, what exactly did the Iraquis to do america again?

"What's that have to do with anything? Any propaganda fed to them by the Iraqi government before we took it down was 10000000x WORSE than anything the media covers, besides that you know the media hypes up the shit to make it more interesting. Interesting=ratings."

To be sure that is true, but American soldiers should not be proving them right.

"Who cares about honor? You said it yourself, they signed up for the job. They are there to DO A JOB. They're not there to defend Americas honor, mostly because in Iraqi eyes, The US is t3h bad"

Every individual in the military is a representitive of the united states of america wherever he goes. His actions brand the military as well as the rest of us. And last time i checked forcing bound prisoners to have oral sex wasnt in their job description. You will in fact see these people getting court marsheled rather soon. Something to think about, how would you feel if they were doing this to captured Americans? Obviously according to your previous statement you feel it would be justified.

"Yes and it's about time you showed them a little bit of respect. Hell I'm surprised we haven't heard of more soldiers going absolutely insane to be in that kind of heat during the day and cold at night trying to fight off this relentless, unforgiving enemy which wants nothing more than to see America as a whole burn"

Why again should their choice to be told what to do for the next few years garner any sort of respect from me? And if they dont like the conditions they should leave, or commit suicide (as many soldiers already have in this conflict). And perhaps you should think about why exactly they are now willing to take more extreme measures to see that America burns.

"Joining the military was in their best interest, free college, discounted insurance rates, credit ratings and a steady paycheck. If they're in it for the money, they got into the wrong game."

Um... all of that has to do with money. thanks for proving me correct.

"Right. No one has ever tortured prisoners in the history of mankind warfare...EVER. *cough* Hitler, Stalin *cough* "

but you see, we have made it a point to adhere to the geneva convention. Stalin, hitler, pol pot, musolinni, etc made no allusions to following any sort of military code of conduct. To put it simply the American military is supposed to be above that.

"So if we Hondaswappers were to raid your closet, we would find no leather, strap ons or whips?"

While you may not specifically find any of those things whatever does happen will be happening between two consenting adults. Do you think it is ok to get a BJ by pointing a loaded firearm at another person?

"So they're over there defending your right to spout your opinions all over the place, and you'll dishonor them because they wanted to have a little bit of fun? Please, I would LOVE to see you tell them this nonsense to their faces... If you're so but hurt about this simple bullshit "torturing" how about we stick you in a 110 storey building and fly a 757 into it...that way you can see what all those poor people had to see in their final hour."

Your statement is of little consequence in this discussion. Iraq had nothing at all to do with the events of 9-11. Nothing. Stop bringing it up. Again ill ask you, how would you feel if the Iraqi soldiers decided to "have a little fun" with some of their prisoners? How would you feel if one of those prisoners was a family member of yours? The historical figure of Jesus messed a lot of things up for a lot of people, but he had a really good saying: Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Originally posted by Blanco@May 1 2004, 10:44 PM
So, we all remember the picture posted a few weeks ago that the military personnel thought was their special brand of humor. Here's more of the same.

"'They were ugly images. Is this the way the Americans treat prisoners?' asked Ahmad Taher, 24, a student at Baghdad's Mustansiriyah University. 'Americans claim that they respect freedom and democracy - but only in their country'."

I sincerly hope that all those military personnel who found this unique brand of humor funny, die a very slow and extremely painful death in that desert. And that's far better than the cowardly pieces of shit deserve.

there is a real difference between a practical joke (tasteless as it might have been) and what occured here. You are sick for even trying to compare the two.
Originally posted by Guy@May 2 2004, 07:52 AM
Again ill ask you, how would you feel if the Iraqi soldiers decided to "have a little fun" with some of their prisoners?

uh, and you think this didnt/isnt going on? are you retarded, or..?
Originally posted by slohnda@May 2 2004, 05:13 PM

uh, and you think this didnt/isnt going on? are you retarded, or..?

Its funny, you asking me if i am retarded. think about it, in saying that these soldiers conduct is just you are consenting to similar treatment of American soldiers in Iraqi care. Is that getting though to you?
Beyond that the fact is that their actions are completly a violation of the Geneva convention, a contract we as a nation willingly signed. No matter how they may treat American prisoners the american military is obligated to prevent things of that nature from happening. I hope more than anything that those people will be made an example of. Their behavior is unexcusable, and any real member of our military would absolutly agree with me.
Its funny, you asking me if i am retarded. think about it, in saying that these soldiers conduct is just you are consenting to similar treatment of American soldiers in Iraqi care. Is that getting though to you?

It's going to happen anyway. Playing the game fairly isn't the way to win the war.

Propaganda is Propaganda. This will do nothing but demoralize the Iraqi's and lift the soldiers' spirits to make them want to make the Iraqi's pay for what they've done.

You asked earlier what they did? Well for one they did harbor, train & finance the terrorists that put the planes into the Pentagon and WTC towers...shall I go on?

The destroyer bombed a few years back, 93 WTC truck bomb...etc that's all I can think of but I'm tired as hell.

You get my point though, right...? This is all propaganda. It's going to happen whether you like it or not. Preaching to people "we should be above that" isn't going to accomplish anything. Support your soldiers.
i fuckin hate people that have opinions about shit that they have no part in, nor are they close to anyone involved with it. this is just my 2 cents and hate me if you want. My best friend was in the first group to cross the border, he was the first group to bagdad, the first to the airport. his group was to hold the airport at all costs. and if soldiers do something to "entertain themselves" then so be it. fuck you. you could last .2 seconds over there just with your attitude. that isn't directed at anyone, just anyone that hates people that do something without expecting anything from the idiots left in this country. my best friend told me, when they got to the airport, for shits and giggles, they hooked up saddams royal carriage to their humvee and tore ass around the airport draging it during live fire. do i care? hell no. i dont expect anyone, to give everything, and not get something back. i garuntee you would not ever express your opinion to someone that was over there, and if you did, all the hondaswap kids will come point and laugh at you in ICU or the local bural grounds. you are entitled to your opinion, i respect that, but respect them too. people fucking die so you can sit on your happy ass and bad mouth them. how hippie ish. and since when do 3rd world armys go "o, they are acting better then us, we need to act better then them and stop being total ass bags" o yea, they dont. idiot. again, my opinion about people, no one imparticular
We cannot have a "at whatever cost" attitude about this war. To do this would justify their actions as well. To be successful in a military campaign we need to understand that might does not equal right. To be successful in a war you need power and justified use of that power. Again, we are bound by the geneva convention to behave in a certain fashion. Those codes will be upheld, and those who violate them will be punished. You can think whatever you like about them but the Geneva convnetion is the Law of war, when soldiers dont follow it they will be punished as they are an embarressment to our nation. Watch and see.

Do you really think that this will in any way scare Saddam loyalists? if they release footage of Saddam's guard sodomising an american POW with the butt of a rifle do you think that American soldiers will rethink their positions? It works the same both ways. This will only strengthen the resolve of Iraqi soldiers.

I dont know if you missed all of this, but Iraq, in no way at all, had anything to do with the terrorist group Al queda or the bombing of the world trade center on 9-11. nothing. this is old news.

Nismogod, let me tell you I do have family in the military but that is of no consequence at all. The fact is that war is not "shits and giggles". War is hell and anyone ever involved in one will tell you that. War is never supposed to be fun. War involves the loss of life, human life. To "have fun" during a war is making a mockery of the sacrafice of the thousands of soldiers who have taken war seriously and lost their lives. The technological superiority of the United States during wartime is a relativly new phenomenon. To ride around in a humvee like an ass in live fire simply to flaunt the fact that they can is pure childishness and devalues the lives of those in previous wars who fought and died like men. At its base level and away from politics War is about two factions of men clashing on the battlefield and fighting as men do, with honor. Riding around like a retard carrying some relic of the former government behind you and calling it war is a disgrace to all men who have fought and died for what they believe in.
fuck them.

they crashed planes into our buildings.

they killed our people.

fuck them. kill them. all of them. dead communist children will never grow up to be bomb-toting communist bastards.
feel as you may, you are entitled to it. i understand but disagree. i have no problem with the occasional destruction of a free range camel via RPG, or random abandoned building. the same person that is "retarded" and a "disgrace" is the same person that happened to find out that the iraqi's would take the doors off hospitals, back tanks into them, then reattach the doors. so that unsuspecting US soldiers could be fired upon. it happens. if i feel i might be in my last hours, i want some enjoyment of some sort, as anyone would. as anyone deserves. whether it be masturbating or annihilating. war is hell, and during war, there will be casualties. on both sides. they just happen to have had more casualties. i stand by my country and my soldiers. if i were able to i'd be there too, doing what i am told to do. period. hating sodiers is hating part of our country, seeing as how you just said soldier are an extention of our country. so, if you hate this here, then leave it?
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