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Originally posted by Airjockie@Sep 13 2004, 04:34 PM
it's not on wrong...and it is not just a nut.....

And Martine...I put it don't go there.
[post=389748]Quoted post[/post]​

Clayton...... I only asked a question and it was directed to B. And I think that was also a valid one. So many people have worked on B's car in the past, and I didn't know. Noah even commented that it looks wrong... and as a matter of fact, a few other people also do. It's a matter of mechanical commonsense that a nut should be completely threaded through by its bolt if the fitment is correct. That threaded bolt should just be longer imo.

And where is it that I shouldn't be going? You know damn well that you are not perfect as a mechanic. Most of your car projects do not run smoothly. My tranny that you swapped in had a leak from the way that you reinserted the driveshaft. That seal was distorted and it wasn't before the install. We all had a look at it before the installation. I saved the old seal and can post a picture of it for you. Also several bolts were also missing that my Honda dealership mechanic buddy had to replace. One bolt that you put in is the wrong size, it's too long for where it is. Also while both trannies were out of the car and side by side, we should have been looking at them to see what the differences were.... if we had, we could have swapped the speedo sensor plugs ahead of time, thus saving me a second trip down to your place to fix the problem.

I'm really not sure why you think that you can wrench in a fully coherant manner when you've been drinking beer all night. If you can't drive your car at that point, what makes you think that you can still wrench well? Wrenching should be a precise skill. At least with your own cars, you can tinker with them at your leisure in your garage, fixing your mistakes... everyone else that I hang out while they work on their own cars, keeps the drinking completely separate from their mechanical activities. <_<
Originally posted by Airjockie@Sep 13 2004, 05:10 PM

Wow ...I just keep seeing the same type of a setup.....are they all unsafe......????
[post=389767]Quoted post[/post]​

All those thick nuts seem like such overkill to me then. Why don't they use a skinnier nut then? And just because other people do it, doesn't make it right. B should just find some skinnier nuts then so it won't look "off" to the tech inspectors....

So Mr. Aircraft Mechanic... are there any nuts on an aircraft that look like that? Somehow I think not.
Clayton...... I only asked a question and it was directed to B. And I think that was also a valid one. So many people have worked on B's car in the past, and I didn't know.

agreed.. it was a valid question, with tons olf folks always getting together to work on cars.

Noah even commented that it looks wrong... and as a matter of fact, a few other people also do. It's a matter of mechanical commonsense that a nut should be completely threaded through by its bolt if the fitment is correct.

as did bill, and several others... back the fact is that its NOT a nut at all.

That threaded bolt should just be longer imo.

and this too, is not a bolt. its the metal round bar inside the shock that physically moves up and down inside the lower shock assembly.

And where is it that I shouldn't be going?

I WILL NOT let this thread turn into another one of these. Please stop fighting.

You know damn well that you are not perfect as a mechanic.

no one is. Hell, thats why cars have warranties, cuz the guys who make them fuck up too.

And thats the last post about this bickering in here.
This isn't a bitch, but I have to say this:

If this thread concentrated on the educational aspect of the mechanical issue at hand, I would not hesitate to send a link directly to Paul and others at CART. But I can't, because there's so many uncalled for comments about guys who, quite frankly, aren't as dumb as you guys think. Not to mention, who's times on most Sundays put me to shame. I respect these guys. They've done things to me that I haven't liked, but fuck it. I deal with it. There are worse things in life. If you have a point to make, then make it. Christ. But to sit here and bitch about the inequities of CART until the cows come home is so fucking counter productive. Like I said before, the best way to change something is from the inside. Get active.

I've read everything you guys have posted about the stupid nut that's not a nut, and the bolt that's not a bolt. And I looked at all the stupid photos about everybody that's done it - and I still think something looks fucking wrong. I don't have a fucking clue what you guys are trying to describe. I really don't.

Suggestion: Concentrate on articulating what you're trying to say. And not turn it into a "those fucking asshole idiots at CART" and you might - *might* - make some progress in educating some people. Including me, because it still looks a fucking nut to me that's about to fall fucking off a key suspension component. And several of you guys have already said the same thing. So I guess some of us need to go back to ME school as well.

I take that back. It was a bitch. I need a vacation anyway.
the kid with the cavilier does not have the n20 hooked up, he just uses the purge. but anyway, evrytime i am participating in an event i help pick cones up and so does brandon. and it seems to me like chrome rims is becoming a trend there. lol.
There is no reason why anyone of us can't be a voting member of CART. Just pay the membership dues and go to their meetings. As far as I am concerned, if those of you complaining about the way things are run in CART are too cheap and lazy to participate in a real way, then STFU. I remember last year, Clayton posted in their forum about them hosting a drift event for him.... well first of all, there was no activity in their forum which is why they deleted it off their website, but really, why should they be interested in running a drifting event? No one fucking cares about drifting in their club, and there is no reason why they should. And especially when the person proposing the drifitng event leaves early and doesn't work his scheduled workshift... and is suspected of leaving a pile of trash on the ground.

Every autocross event takes alot of effort on the part of the CART members, look at event duties list. These members show up at every event and are there from beginning to end. There is rent on the parking lot, the insurance premiums and the equipment to maintain. Every time there is any accident or incident at any autocross event in the country, they all worry about autocross events being shut down or their insurance premiums going up. Most of us only show up occasionally, so I don't see why they should really care about our petty issues. Why should they be up to date on every JDM accessory anyway?

All the CART members were very nice to me yesterday, despite the fact that it was my first event there all year. But I made an effort to be friendly also. Yes they are old school car people, but I find them very cool, they are damn good drivers, always helpful when asked for input about driving and I like their cars.

So pay the membership dues and show up at their meetings. Run for an office. Get involved. There are enough Honda Swap participants, that there could be a strong voice for valid changes. :)
We went karting last night.

It cost us $30, and we each ahd 14 min of seat time.
cart csots $25, and you get about 5x50-60secs = ~5 min of seat time.

And i had a heck of a lot of fun karting. so i got my sunday racing in.... and i feel better :D

Chip, i do understand your point, and a lot of this thread was me venting... and i had NO intention on paul ever seeing this thread- its not the scope that it needs to be presented to anyone. I was just pissedoff at the time. Sometimes, i really do live up to my name. :ph34r:

I've thought several times about going to the meeting and becoming a full fledged member-
but its events like this that hold me back. I will be regarded as a "24 yr old hot shot import kid who drifts" and not a serious, educated, decent driver (IMO at least :P ) who would actually like to participate in making things better.

I mean, look around- since the past 4 years that i've been going there, the drivers have gotten younger, and younger, and younger. 4 years ago, I was one of the few 20 yr old kids there with my 20 yr old friends.

Times have changed- and i just don't think that anything with the cart group has... and its holding it back from being even better.

I am now, at this time, going to remove all derrogitory comments i made torwards the club, and kindly move on with my life outside of cars.
Originally posted by number9@Sep 13 2004, 05:13 PM
This isn't a bitch, but I have to say this:

If this thread concentrated on the educational aspect of the mechanical issue at hand, I would not hesitate to send a link directly to Paul and others at CART. But I can't, because there's so many uncalled for comments about guys who, quite frankly, aren't as dumb as you guys think. Not to mention, who's times on most Sundays put me to shame. I respect these guys. They've done things to me that I haven't liked, but fuck it. I deal with it. There are worse things in life. If you have a point to make, then make it. Christ. But to sit here and bitch about the inequities of CART until the cows come home is so fucking counter productive. Like I said before, the best way to change something is from the inside. Get active.

I've read everything you guys have posted about the stupid nut that's not a nut, and the bolt that's not a bolt. And I looked at all the stupid photos about everybody that's done it - and I still think something looks fucking wrong. I don't have a fucking clue what you guys are trying to describe. I really don't.

Suggestion: Concentrate on articulating what you're trying to say. And not turn it into a "those fucking asshole idiots at CART" and you might - *might* - make some progress in educating some people. Including me, because it still looks a fucking nut to me that's about to fall fucking off a key suspension component. And several of you guys have already said the same thing. So I guess some of us need to go back to ME school as well.

I take that back. It was a bitch. I need a vacation anyway.
[post=389804]Quoted post[/post]​

Chip...I have no problems with CART, or their members...until I saw that B didn't pass tech. Up to that time..I was happy to be a member, and I still gratiously say thanks for your sponcership, I just never a chance to really tell you.

I did have 2 problems yesterday with the Tech dude, and the young lady that told us to move our cars. Souble standards go a long way. When I walked down to B's clan area..I noticed a truck and a trailer that was takeing up more than the same limit of Firetruck space allowed, and then 3 Fiero's parked front to back...that also made less room for a firetruck to get into the area if needed. Do as I say, but don't do as I do.

as for the "NUT CONFLICT".....machineing prosseses have came a long way in the last 30-20 years...and he told me to my face that he became an ME 30 years ago...well...shit changes over the years...if he can't keep updated on new technologies and new car parts..then he has no right to be in the area of that position to pass/fail cars....period...

Looks don't mean shit anymore.....If you don't understand a new system or a car part...then your right to fail newer cars on looks alone will be degraded and bitch posts will be made. I honestly think that B shoud receive a free day at the event, and a super huge apology.

before this little post gets to far out of hand. :P

Plus I did not appreciate the guys manners of blowing me off and being completely rude to me infront of a lot of people...not once..not twice...but 3 times.

I know that they are busy, things needs to get done, and there might be too much stuff going on that the Staff or members can't handle...I can understand that.

I know a lot of work is involved in the events they hold, and I also know that they are seriouse when stuff need to be done.

but yesterday was a complete clusterfuck in the way things ran...some things couldn't be computers/times going offline...or other shit like the huge ass registration line, things like that can be very understandable...

But if they have been doing it for 30 years...then they should have some kind of a decent organiztion set up to take care of these types of things....

And Martine...STFU.

I left with all my trash and then some...sorry I didn't work out on the feild...but is that your Fuck off and Cry on somebody's shoulder that cares.

as for the work assignments,I got that settled up...and I just owe them 30 min's for that at the next's settled up...and that's still none of your FUCKING bussiness. Dont talk about something that you have no part on. Were you there next to me when I talked to the Trailer Cop about me not working the cone's???? didn't see you there. So drop that shit right now...As for your JDM comment...does that go for VW's, and Porshes too????....JEzz...anyone here know a Portch from a Honduh?????

Now the main question is......will I go to another event?

with this shit that happened...and if no apologies are said...then no...

I paid..and I am a member...but it was only for one day......if I never go I got screwwed out of more money than what the normal guest are paying...and be active...hell yes...I will be if..... I do go again. That you can bet on.
Not to add fuel to the fire, but Airjockie, instead of posting pics of other JDM 'bling suspension setups and saying how machining processes have come a long way in the last 30 years and saying how fucking dumb and old school the tech people are, why don't you post some real, hard tech in this thread. Tell us WHY a nut holding a strut into a pillow mount is OK to be threaded on by ~5 threads? I do not care that it came that way, if other people do it, or any of that other shit, why is it OK to do? The OEM setup is not like that, no strut equipped car is like that from the factory they are all threaded past the nut. I understand all the systems involved, so please, on a tech level, all bullshit aside, explain to me and everyone else why this should be acceptable. I guarantee that would not pass tech in my auto-x club, it wouldn't pass tech at an SCCA event and it sure as shit would not pass tech at a HPDE or open track day.

As for everyone bashing CART, well just cut that shit right out. Those guys are out there, doing their damned best to make it possible for you and me to have a good time and race in a safe environment. They do it for the sport, not the giant paycheck. If you do not like the rules, go somewhere else, or try to open a dialogue and solve the issue via private communication. When you post all this shit on a board, you will obvously get everyone's opinion, which is not the way to get an issue solved.
Originally posted by number9@Sep 13 2004, 06:13 PM
If this thread concentrated on the educational aspect of the mechanical issue at hand, I would not hesitate to send a link directly to Paul and others at CART.
[post=389804]Quoted post[/post]​

you're absolutly right... and seeing as i run the show here :) I went through and removed all negative comments I and others have made... and will continue to do so if more shall arise. As I stated above, it was posted in a "heat of the moment" mind set, and was fairly uncalled for.

All negativity aside, there are still issues at hand.

The focus, as far as I'm concerened is:
  • Lack of Knowlegeable tech folks of modern products (It's to the point where my 93 Nissan went back 20 years and became a "Datsun"...). I'm sure paul has a good eye for lots of thigns that i would never notice on other cars, but for newer cars, cars with high-tech products, cutting edge, and expensive, race-proven designs, there needs to be somebody ON that edge as well. for lack of anyone else I know, I'd like to nominate Chris Fox to join the tech staff for more modern cars/parts. A Second Opinion never hurts.
  • the amount of rudeness that was portrayed to us, Guests of the club, by Senior Staff member. Clayton was insulted to his face by a "senior member" of the club- I was there and heard it with my own ears, twice.
  • Finally, The fact that my suspension is more than safe, and I shouldn't need to put forth the effort to pass again. The TECH should know for next time. HE should do some research, so that HE is the master on the TECHING of the cars for next time. Unforunately, I don't see this ever happeneing, and we already took it upon ourselves anyway.
So, that's what i'd like to focus on from here on out.
I typed out 2 hude replies...and this system or my internet, or my comp skills killed them...

I will reply to these tommorro..and have all the full details that envolves this and other issues that a few HS members have.

Bed time.
Sorry for my rant earlier. I certainly don't mean any disrespect to anybody here. And as I implied earlier, I've run up against stonewalls at CART myself to my disliking.

Just so you know, I e-mailed Paul earlier this evening essentially telling him that I felt Tech was sloppy (with respect to the cracked windshields, nitrous, etc.). I haven't heard back from him yet, but I will.

I do have what I think is a constructive suggestion:

Perhaps you can e-mail the manufacturer (or the US rep), along with the photo you posted here, and explain that you failed tech because of their setup/design. And ask them to provide a detailed explanation because you just gave them a bunch of your $ and you're upset. You can then forward their exact explanation to CART.

I'd be happy to be the go-between for you. I'm not going to say I have a lot of clout at CART, because I don't. Sometimes they listen to me, sometimes they don't. But I'll try - that's why I talked to Paul after the event yesterday.

Clayton, thanks for taking my suggestion to tell the Trailer Cop that you had to leave. When someone doesn't show up for a work assignment, they'll spend all afternoon looking for the guy. It's a PITA, because I've done it.

Oh yeah, sorry for suggesting that "we" don't pick up cones. No offense was meant.
So if this "nut" is not important to the suspension setup..... what would happen if you just removed them altogether and drove agressively on the Bristol course which is known for it's uneven surface? Aren't they needed to keep the suspension together at full droop (when the suspension bottoms out... as in going over a pothole)?

And there are plenty of expensive and beautiful car accessories that don't actually enhance automotive performance....

Also, Chip has spoken up for HondaSwappers many times without being asked to... and I really don't think that we should be giving him such a workout. Again, it would be nice for at least one other person from this forum to join CART and be our liason. Just because we participate in an event, does not make us a member for the day. We are paying the $25 non-member entrant fee for that event. They are our hosts and we are only their willing guests. If we don't like their house rules, then we should just not be there. There are several other clubs to turn to... but joining their club to initiate changes and growth is another matter. Autocross is an old school sport that is many decades old, so actually the older cars have earned their stripes. There is no need for them to vacate for the newest and the latest in technology. In autocross, driver skill is still the most important factor, not the equipment. Lastly, respect is earned, not demanded.
i'm not getting in on the whole blah blah blah thing... I don't really have a problem with any CART members... unless the guy with the WRX and the old RHD EVO is part of CART. That guy was a bit of a dousche to me on more than one occassion, basically saying that if i dont spend every penny of my money on the most expensive thing out there, then it wasn't worth doing... Yeah... I really need to spend $1000 on a helmet to autocross my honda... :roll:

I DO want to know more about the physics behind a pillowball mount and this setup... The more I look at it, the more it appears to be almost like a tapered seat lugnut, that rolls onto a spherical bearing.. Correct? Yes No?
Perhaps Ji can post some tech in this thread. I helped him install his Teins and I don't recall there being any half threaded nut on the top of his shocks. Actually, B's nut looks only threaded in by a third. Sorry, but B's setup just doesn't seem right to me. I've been around a lot of industrial and mechanical machines, and don't recall ever seeing anything with a partially threaded nut on them. I've run offet printing presses, machined parts in a titanium bike factory and spent a lot of time in garages with auto mechanics... and hey, this just disturbs my eye in a commonsense kind of way.
Originally posted by 94RedSiGal@Sep 13 2004, 09:09 PM
Also, Chip has spoken up for HondaSwappers many times without being asked to...
[post=389933]Quoted post[/post]​

Well, once significantly. The infamous burnout that E did with the Insight. I actually thought it was pretty cool, but since it was done in the middle of the awards, it sort of got a lot of attention. :P

Also, during that same event, some Honda apparently unrelated to us was drag racing in the upper lot. I made a point to tell CART that he wasn't one of us.

A couple of people took notice when some of you left the lot yesterday in a spirited fashion, but nobody said anything. I think the trailer was blocking their view - but they tried to see who was racing out of the lot. Again, during awards = bad timing.
Originally posted by number9@Sep 13 2004, 10:07 PM
Sorry for my rant earlier. I certainly don't mean any disrespect to anybody here. And as I implied earlier, I've run up against stonewalls at CART myself to my disliking.

naw, i did it too... this thread got pretty heated... heh. but back on track.

Just so you know, I e-mailed Paul earlier this evening essentially telling him that I felt Tech was sloppy (with respect to the cracked windshields, nitrous, etc.). I haven't heard back from him yet, but I will.

cool. Beyond me/this situation, there were lots of problems, as we all know.

I do have what I think is a constructive suggestion:

Perhaps you can e-mail the manufacturer (or the US rep),

I'm trying to find a US distributor, but i dont think there is one. I have to talk to erik at DGtrials and see if he can get me in contact with someone. I just left him an IM, but he's not around... we'll get some more details later, as he was my "sales rep" and can get in contact with someone in japan about them.

Oh yeah, sorry for suggesting that "we" don't pick up cones. No offense was meant.
[post=389930]Quoted post[/post]​

none taken... we all could do more- but sometimes, its trying to climb a mountain without a rope- for a lack of a better analogy.
I just spoke with Erick Jacobs, who is president/founder of and has made magazines for his driving skill. He is also the one i bought them from, and he also runs them on his cars.

pissedoffsol: hey man you got a sec? i need some help with the silkraods- i failed tech at autox because of them and have some questions
thoraxe S13: Huh?
thoraxe S13: How could you fail tech because of your coilovers?
pissedoffsol: ok hear me out
pissedoffsol: the guy who teched me failed me because of the top bolt thing...
pissedoffsol: he said that that nut was the only thing that held the whole strut part together, and since its only held on by a couple threads, its un-safe
pissedoffsol: I need solid info to bring to the board so i can go next time.
pissedoffsol: what can you tell me about this design?
thoraxe S13: Its supposed to look like that
thoraxe S13: 100% of coilovers look like that
pissedoffsol: I KNOW this. but tech inspect guy doesn't.
pissedoffsol: I need to PROVE to him that its safe, and i just don't know enough about it to convince him
thoraxe S13: It just doesn't go down all the way
thoraxe S13: Mine look the same
thoraxe S13: My teins looked the same
thoraxe S13: I don't even need to look at the pic to know what you're going to show me
pissedoffsol: i know- vosko was there too- and the tech guy looked and said hed fail him to, had he signed up
thoraxe S13: There's no way to prove it
thoraxe S13: That's just how they are
pissedoffsol: i guess what im asking is- does that nut truely hold the whole thing together, or is there a pressed fitting on the silver part below it or what?
thoraxe S13: Shrug
thoraxe S13: Couldn't tell you
thoraxe S13: That's just how they are
pissedoffsol: fuck.
thoraxe S13: Its threaded on more than 50%
thoraxe S13: Every coilover is like that
thoraxe S13: Its not a couple threads, its way more
thoraxe S13: I really don't know what to say. The camber plate is held on with that nut but there's no way the assembly can come apart. The car would have to come completely off the ground and then you'd still have to somehow get it below the camber plate
thoraxe S13: And with the way most people set them up you run out of droop travel before that could happen anyway
pissedoffsol: i dont think thats good enough for this guy. is there any one you can put me in contact with at silkraod?
thoraxe S13: They'll tell you the same thing
pissedoffsol: probably, but i'd like to have it in writing direct from the manufactuer
thoraxe S13: Just call silkroad usa
thoraxe S13: Its distributed by intec racing
thoraxe S13:
pissedoffsol: ok cool.

So, that's what im doing now... writing my story to them.. and await their reply.
Very good, B.

Hey, this has been fun. Going to sleep now.
