B's a dad too!

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So I had the distinct pleasure of spending mothers day with the pissedoffsols, and was witness to what was quite possibly the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

We're all sitting around the living room, and B hands his mom the mothers day card that he got that morning... She's holding her grandson (Bs sisters daughter), so she has him read it to her... And he's reading it... and comes to the part of the card he didn't read in the store...

"'I'm a better...' oh crap, I got the wrong card... (laughs) 'I'm a better father to my family having been raised by you.'"

LOL! He never read the whole card when he was in the store!
hahahahahahahahahaha he pwnd himself bad on that one. LOL
she = B's mom = B's sisters mom
grandchild -> B's sister (mom) -> B's mom (grandmother)
Originally posted by Loco Honkey@May 10 2004, 03:30 PM
B hands his mom the mothers day card that he got that morning...

I'm proud of you, man.

Back when I was about 17 or 18, I went to this party on the beach a few towns away. It was the night before mother's day. Well, I couldn't get a ride home, so I decided to hitch hike. I couldn't get a ride that way either.

Anyway, I ended up walking several miles and by the time I was close to home, the sun was coming up. And since it was spring time, a lot of nice homes had a lot of nice flowers growing in their yards. So I did what any good son would do. I picked a nice bouquet for my mom. She still talks about it today.

B, your mom will never forget this card.
You are a horrible son :P

You need a sister like mine, where she takes care of everything, and I just give her money.
Originally posted by Havok@May 10 2004, 08:24 PM
You are a horrible son :P

You need a sister like mine, where she takes care of everything, and I just give her money.

That's even worse! :lmao:
Is it MY fault I got wasted all weekened on a beach, and sobered up just in time to get to my parent's house for mother's day? :lol:

It was so worth it, even though my face is now Milano Red Pearl :(
Originally posted by Havok@May 10 2004, 08:54 PM
Is it MY fault I got wasted all weekened on a beach, and sobered up just in time to get to my parent's house for mother's day? :lol:

It was so worth it, even though my face is now Milano Red Pearl :(

i didnt even buy one for my mom.. i went to 3 places and they were all sold out <_<

so i bought her a plant :D gave her a hug and told her that i loved her :)
Originally posted by dohch22a4@May 10 2004, 11:50 PM
Wow, B is the laziest person on earth.

I bought my mom a mother's day card at 11:30 PM last night. LOL

I bought my mom a card, two bags of regular M&ms and a Happy mothers day balloon with an orange shaped candle attached to the string.

I bought all this at 12:30 Sat night and dropped it off that night before I went home :)
i called my Mom and my step-mom and wished both a Happy Mothers Day. they were both pleased to hear from me since i havent talked to them in awhile. i miss my family. being 10 hrs away from them sucks :(