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When I get home, I'll post up pics of my tongue (Yeah, I actually keep it on record). my tongue is so geographic that I almost have no sweet tuned buds.

I don't crave sugar at all. I do, however, love my chocolate. Pretty much any chocolate. Lindt, Godiva and the like are my faves, but I don't HAVE to have them.

When you crave chocolate, by the way, it's mostly your brain craving the slew of chemicals in chocolate: Not the least of which is a pretty good amount of THC.
if you eat enough salt, you body WILL crave sugar. it's all about balances.
In the middle ages conventsin parts of europe acquired a reputation for abusing the narcotic aspects of chocolate. Eventually some pope issued a decree against it. I forget where i read that though I have too many books and a long memory...
oh and congrats...

Thank you. We're naming him Celerity, because it's not my real name, and the courts wouldn't let me take it as my real name.

But I'm working on it. If it's a girl, her name will be Celerity too, because it works out well both ways.
Thank you. We're naming him Celerity, because it's not my real name, and the courts wouldn't let me take it as my real name.

But I'm working on it. If it's a girl, her name will be Celerity too, because it works out well both ways.

Actually.. We're not having a baby together, and his name is going to be Ryan:P
I have this problem. Any candy or sweets I can just pound away. I just can't say no to it. I try to avoid it by not paying attention to candy when I am at the grocery store or a gas station. What kills me is everyone buys me candy for holidays/ bday. I got so much candy around xmas, valentines day, and my bday Feb 15. that I gained 10-15 pounds. I tell people not to buy me it and I still end up getting a shit load of candy. Another thing that has helped me recently is my gf has changed her diet it has helped me since she isn't getting dessert or having sweets hanging around.
I'm on an identical diet as Total's on.(Ian set me up with it). So I'm going to have to say, no. I don't eat candy. But I fucking love it. When I was a kid, I'd pound king size snickers and butter fingers like they were going out of style. I'd eat all that gummy shit and jelly belly's till I had 10 cavities when I was 11.

I have the will power of a mad man. It's something that's great. I quit drinking soda/pop/carbonated beverages excluding beer in december and can say I haven't had a single one. I didn't have a single piece on easter, and actually went and got my "friend" some cuz she was craving it, and still didn't have a single piece and watched her and her similarly skinny ass roommate pound a huge bag of easter candy.
i'm a rittersport junkie. the choco+marzipan = instant happy death. i try to only eat it when i'm actually in germany though. i fail about 3x a year. :(. goddamn world market.
I'm addicted to Ferrero-Rochet chocolates the really rich ones with the hazelnut in the middle and crunchy outside with the super rich filling they come in those gold rappers. That's my crack. Then a Hershey bar with almonds is like my bud. But those Ferrero Rochet's are CRAZY good, some of the richest chocolate made I'm crazy addicted to those. Everyone else I know says they're too rich. I'm thinking my heavy smoking has an affect on that, I smoke 2-3 packs a day if I'm not working, so I can't really smell or taste much.
I actually read an article the other day suggesting that lack of sleep (~7-) will make you crave sweet stuff and stuff like jelly donuts, and other misc. Things.

Maybe that's my problem, because I go to the gym at 5:30 every morning, even if work left me going to bed just 2 hours prior.

My diet is usually pretty good too, I stick to a lot of lean grilled chicken, steak, salad, "Oat Bran" cereal (looks like hamster food,) usually with some sliced almonds and some sliced pineapple on it. I do usually 1 protein shake a day, and I used to do egg whites, but I haven't for the past week due to my brother using them all for colored easter eggs.

I donno. Who wants to come pound all this Easter candy for me?
Sweedish Fish.

If i eat one, they will all be gone in a few minutes. I cant get enough of them
slim jims are the nastiest things ever created. it's like bologna cured with salt. you can't even call it beef jerky. it's like, beef flavored byproduct with brown coloring to look like meat.
I hate slim jims. There's nothing appealing about them. Every time I see one, I remember this picture I saw on where this kid got his fingers stuck in a meat grinder.