Car insurance

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Well, I just got back from the insurance store and my insurance for 1 year will now cost me $2773.63 :angry: that is for basic insurance, $2mil liability, collision and comprehensive. Fuck that is WAY to much. Last year it only cost me $1400ish fugging taxes. How much do you guys pay?
$1600 ish per year after moving back to Houston, and that's full coverage. I'm not sure of amounts and deductibles, but the coverage is high and the deductibles are low.
Originally posted by Sed8ed@Oct 25 2002, 02:21 PM
Well, I just got back from the insurance store and my insurance for 1 year will now cost me $2773.63 :angry: that is for basic insurance, $2mil liability, collision and comprehensive. Fuck that is WAY to much. Last year it only cost me $1400ish fugging taxes. How much do you guys pay?

jeez, thats like for a new bimmer or something. do u have like 3 DUIs or something??? i pay about $1200 a year with state farm for my crx.
I just found out it'll cost me $965 per 6 mos
to issure 2 cars under my wifes policy.
at 50/100/50 with full coverage $250 deductables
$750 per year for my Del Sol, but not even that really because it's only $30 a month during the winter here cause I am not driving it. So more like $500 I guess....

Gotta love AAA with a 5 car multidiscount, home owners discount, security device discount, dual airbag discount, and listed as "away to college" on the car B)

Oh yeah, thats full coverage BTW.
Technicly speaking. it only costs me $300 per six months to fully insure my CRX. the rest of the cost is to insure my wifes car. so it saves me almost $250 every six months with combining our policies.