Code 22

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Senior Member
Hey I did my h swap in my accord and everything is going good now but i have a code 22! I believe its the vtec oil psi or other... whats that mean.. where is it.. how do i fix it... I thought it would be diffrent from the solinoid itself but ive never had this kinf of problem! I aslo notices on my apexi v-afc that when you go to the monitor and watch both the high and low i guess you would call it only one turns on! when i had it on my f22 they both would day on... Im sorry this isnt the best wording but i have no other way of trying to say it! Im a fucktard lol help me!
I aslo notices on my apexi v-afc that when you go to the monitor and watch both the high and low i guess you would call it only one turns on!

Meaning vtec engagement!!!!
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