Convo of the day

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name changed to protect the guilty... minorly edited out the useless shit.

TnV: dude im fucking scarred tonite
TnV: worst night....
pissedoffsolwork: ?
TnV: brought my fuck buddy over....
TnV: banging away (with a condom)
TnV: when can i explain this...
pissedoffsolwork: she had a dick?
TnV: we were both facing each other, in the sense that i could see my dick going into her pussy
TnV: i was fucking her that way.....for a few
TnV: when i my cock slid out......
pissedoffsolwork: congratulations. you got your red wings
TnV: dude, im so freaked out
TnV: that NEVER happened to me
pissedoffsolwork: lol why? its just blood
TnV: dude, it was red, and there was alot of it
TnV: i red wings
TnV: im just freaked
pissedoffsolwork: christ
pissedoffsolwork: grow up y0
pissedoffsolwork: lol
pissedoffsolwork: its just blood
pissedoffsolwork: its not like she shit on you
TnV: lol shit
TnV: i know
TnV: lol
pissedoffsolwork: could've been a lot worse
pissedoffsolwork: she could've bukkaked your face with a queffe, and then blood dripped all over your face
TnV: dude....
TnV: lol
TnV: i almost ate her out
Thats good!!.....hits a little close to home for me,

Been there before, its not fun b!!!

Good thing you didn't go downstairs guy!!!!
its not that bad, they're usually extra horny when they're on the rag... but ya, just don't go down on them :p
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Apr 9 2004, 03:34 AM
pissedoffsolwork: she could've bukkaked your face with a queffe, and then blood dripped all over your face

Nice mental picture, B :puke:
TnV is obviously still a child.

-> Steve
Originally posted by B16@Apr 9 2004, 10:13 AM
its not that bad, they're usually extra horny when they're on the rag... but ya, just don't go down on them :p

so true, and make sure you dont have white sheets..
damn imagine how freaked he would have been if the condom broke and she got blood all over him. actually i'd freak out if that happened to me.
you guys are all such F-ing pussies

F-in a girl on the rag is not bad just lay something down first to keep the blood off what you're doing it on
dion't look at me. me and my ex jen fucked when she was on the rag all the time. lol

just send her to the b-room.... tissue that shiz, and for the next hour, you're prety clean :)
extra lube y0 !

been there done that many times. some girs stink bad tho when they're bleedin :puke:

oh and i believe when you eat a gir on the rag is technically earnin your red wings... just picture a red extended mustache protruding from the corner of your mouth onto your cheeks :D mmmmmm.... im cravin a bloody steak now :drool:
just the other day i slept wit my girl and then afterwards she needed to be on the rag