Crue fest / hyatt / Dallas trip

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We're in dallas!! Checked into our hotel with a crappy view.. Now at the concert!!

Attatched our pic of our $600 room at the hyatt. Of course we didn't pay that. Priceline ftmfw.


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no moshing during Bodies?? wtf? when i saw Drowning Pool play here not long ago, the whole place became one huge mosh
That's what I thought would happen too..

Ps.. Theory of a dead man blows.. The whole place is asleep.
sounds like your getting raped on everything $600 hotel.$12 beers $16 margs...shitty view and shitty concert...well atleast you have a hotel to tear up tonight with the lady..did she bring her new skimpy outfit?so you can get raped more!
Nope.. Just going light on the drinks.. $16 margaritas, $12 beer. It's rape.

Ah well, having fun anyway. Kind of a dead concert.. Drowning pool just ripped out "bodies" and the mosh pit didn't mosh.. WTF?

Theory of a dead man is setting up now..

Pic of mrs phyre playing shuffle Bboard..

There's a shuffle board table in that picture? hrm...

I guess the picture of downtown does it extra justice, cause I'd cream my pants with a nice view like that. (I'm not talking about JUST the skyline, either)
I loved the view, hotel was awesome. Waking up to that was magnificent. Service was extremely fast and friendly. If you wanted something all you had to do is think about it and it was brought to you on a silver platter by naked supermodels.. Ok, not that good, but damn close.

Wow, hit "post quick reply" and realized the holy shit novel I just wrote.
Drove to dallas
Kick ass hotel
Theory of a dead man sucks ass in concert
Godsmack rocks
Motley crue rocks
:thumbsup: overall
Trip run down:
Uneventful drive to Dallas, grabbed Burger King on the way. Ordered the 1/3 pound angus burger. Was informed that it is Mc Donalds that serves that burger, but Burger King burgers are better. I laughed. And then ordered a triple meat Angry Whopper. Not a bad burger.

Arrived at the Hyatt, Valet opened the door for me, offered to carry our bags in, took good care of the car. Checked in with no trouble at all. Checked out our room.. Very clean, tidy, no dust anywhere, everything was pristine. Nice down filled pillows. Incredible view. Nothing wrong or missing.. Then we went exploring. Great lobby with a huge water feature. Staff all over the place just waiting to do anything you ask. No hot chicks, didn't bother with those kinds of requests.

Got ready to leave, called down to the valet and headed out.. The guy had our car out, waited a few minutes, and put it away again, figuring we had changed our minds or something, when he saw me come out the door he took off running back to the garage. Thats the kind of service I like. It was out and ready to go so fast that they thought we weren't coming and put it back.. Then it was back out in less than a minute. Odd section, but it was a highlight so its here.

Headed off to the concert.. Got a little lost on the way there but quickly re routed and found it. Sat in the car for about 20 minutes waiting for the line to start moving... We had reserved seats, no sense in standing in 100 degree heat waiting for the gates to open. Got in a line of several hundred people and we were in the building in what I would guess is less than 30 minutes.. They were really moving people..

16 second stare was rocking out in the parking lot.. That was a very nice bonus.

Charm city devils started playing after a while, they had good energy and put on a decent show, but they did nothing for the crowd, tough crowd.. All zombies.

Drowning pool came out and rocked it pretty good.. zombie crowd wiggles a little. At the end of their set they ripped out bodies.. We (me and mrs phyre) are rocking our asses off.. I peek at the mosh pit.. Not a soul is moshing.. I've never seen a mosh pit not mosh, even with shitty bands. I still don't get it.

Theory of a dead man takes the stage. Everyone, including myself, are tranced into a deep slumber.. excluding 4 teenie bopper girls standing in their seats rocking their asses off.. At least someone was having a good time.

Godsmack took the stage with fire and explosions and real music. Crowd wakes the hell up and starts rocking. The seats are filling, horns are in the air, people are yelling and responding.. Starting to feel like a rock concert, finally!! They rocked, put on one hell of a show.. High energy, crowd was getting into it.. still no moshing.. even after they specifically instructed the entire place "lose your fucking minds and go crazy".. Maybe the guards around the pit had guns or something.. Anyway, great show, rocked out, will certainly look for them in the future.

Part of their show also had crue and godsmack's drummers do a drum battle/duo on stage.. It was absolutely rockin. Words can't describe the talent spewing from the stage. Pure awesome.

Motley Crue took the stage.. Awesome stage presence, nice build up... Had a mummified guy push out a giant old psycho ward wheel chair, all slow and creepy.. Vince? came up out of the seat of it looking furious, in a straight jacket.. "Wards" came out and attacked him, hit him with a giant something, not sure what it was.. Shit exploded all over, and the show started. Its the 20th anniversary of "Dr Feelgood" so they did that song first, then the entire album followed. Vince was off key and off beat.. Clearly shitfaced or something. About half way through their set he was back in the swing of things. Backup singers / eye candy was amazing.. They put on a good show, crowd rocked out, everyone had a good time.. Mosh pit still just rockin, not moshing.

Show ended, we fled, drove back to the hotel and were a bit hungry so we hit the bar, had drinks and good food.. I had a steak sandwich.. Was a bit odd but whatever.. Great flavor, all the pain in the ass that you would expect from a slab of steak on a bun.. Not the easiest thing to eat. Taste was great though.

Retired to the room.. ... and crashed out in a nice comfy bed. Woke up rested and relaxed and happy.

We did the drive back home, stopped at Ihop on the way and grubbed down. Good stuff, nothing special.. Uneventful drive.

And now home. Once again. One more adventure under the belt!

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sounds like it was pretty fun.

but the mosh thing, most venues wont allow any actual moshing to happen. too many injuries and lawsuits. the only venue big enough here is the sommet center, and if you start to mosh there, you get kicked out, no refund, no re-entry, nothing but the boot and a insult or two.
wow that is insane no moshing. at pawtucket stadium where i saw bosstones and murphys almost everyone on the field was moshing. baseball sized field.

and then the great bottle rain :) ahhh memories of getting knocked out. damn they need to come back around here.