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call a vet today. no, not for your cat.

d-day. june 6 1944.
Its crazy to think that, not even a century ago, some wacko was trying to take over the world . . . . .

Hats off to those who fought in the conflicts of WWII. They truly were the greatest generation of Americans.

EDIT: I should call my grandfather.
People today, especially the youngest generation, take advantage of all the hardship and suffering our older generation endured in order to fight for the freedoms we have today.

Enjoy your freedom? Thank a veteran.

God bless to all those who fought and spared their lives for this nation.

/gushy post
i'll be visiting my grandfather this afternoon
grandmother passed away last year and he's still recovering from a knee replacement, shits been rough for him lately
he was in japan for the occupation after WW2

just last week he finally was able to go grocery shopping for himself again, and he's driving himself around too
bingo is one hell of a motivator
My grandfather (mom's side) was in Poland during WWII. I've seen newspaper clippings that he saved showing fighters flying overhead in swastika formation and all sorts of different pictures of the war. Completely insane.

My grandfather (dad's side) was an unexploded bombs tech for the British. Could explain my love of things that go boom :)
My grandfather (mom's side) was in Poland during WWII. I've seen newspaper clippings that he saved showing fighters flying overhead in swastika formation and all sorts of different pictures of the war. Completely insane.

True that.

Its crazy that this stuff happened . . seems so far off to us now but its not.
On a side note if any of you are WWII history buffs I would check out Band Of Brothers from HBO. I really enjoy watching it whenever it is on the history channel. Just thought I would throw that in there.
Yeah I sit down and watch it from where I catch it to the end whenever its on. I never realized how many cameos/stars were actually in it.
just last week he finally was able to go grocery shopping for himself again, and he's driving himself around too
bingo is one hell of a motivator
Yo Bingo chicks are hot. Just kidding.

But yea my Grandfather was a little young for WWII. He was stationed near the border in the Korean War. He passed in 2000 though.