D Series Flywheel Bolts

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I am about to put a clutchmasters clutch on my zc and I need to know what size those 12 point flywheel bolts are. I believe they are either 17 or 19 mm. Anyone who can help I would appreciate it. The reason Im asking is because I dont have any to try out and I have to go to Sears to buy one. Thanks.
No, the 10mm are the ones that hold the clutch assembly on. I need the size of the ones that hold the flywheel on, the bolts in the middle of the flywheel.
If you are talking about the 6 12-sided bolts in the center of the flywheel, I'm 90% sure they are 12mm.
Yes, those are the ones I'm talking about, but they are not 12mm. I have a 10mm, 12mm, and 14mm 12pt socket and none of those fit. After looking around on the net, i believe it is a 17mm socket.
Well, I'm through with day one of the ZC swap and the engine is out after dealing with the "bitch pin" in the shift linkage. I have a clutchmasters clutch for a 90 CRX SI I was going to install on my ZC, but the pressure plate wouldnt lineup with the ZC flywheel. Is there any difference in the ZC flywheel and the D16A6 flywheel? I know I can just use the SI flywheel on the ZC, but I am just worried that if the clutch wont bolt to the ZC flywheel, then it wont bolt to my SI one either, if in fact there are no differences between them. Thanks.
The bolts are 17 mm 12 point. Make sure it is a 12 point socket. Oh yeah, a impact wrench really comes in handy on flywheel bolts.

I am not sure if they are different, but a general rule is to use the flywheel for the tranny you are using.
Jeff, yeah that is what i was plannin on doing as i stated in my previous post. However, that is not my worry. I am trying to determine if the SI and ZC flywheels are different because I have a clutchmasters clutch for a 90 SI. The thing about it is that the pressure plate wouldnt bolt to the ZC flywheel. My worry is that if the ZC and SI flywheels are exactly the same, then I was sent the wrong pressure plate by mistake. Thanks.