d16a /vetec?

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Junior Member
i have a d16a1 motor as a spare motor and i was wondering if i can do a vetec swap like i did with my ls motor yes or no i pick up my motor this weekend so if it can be done cool if not i will find a way to put b16a head on the d16a block but i was just asking if it could be done :blink:
basicly no

im sure if you threw enough money at it it might work (poorly)

but it isnt and never will be worth it
Originally posted by slimsgameboy79@Jul 1 2003, 11:31 PM
...like i did with my ls motor...

funny how you did an lsVTEC but you cant even read the valvecover to spell VTEC right <_< .
:ufucktard: :rant: