Dark Knight

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yeah, the movie was pretty wicked.
you all hear that they broke a record on the first day? they made 66.2 million dollars the first day. and they were expected to break 200 mil by the end of the week...
freaking crazy...
It was deffiantly diffrent from the older movies, maybe too complicated for younger audiences. But the botttom line is... i loved it. 3 hours was a little extreme but it kept me on the edge.
If it was me i would have ended the movie During the harvey hospital scene & centered the next movie around TwoFace. The ending was confusing
movie kicked ass but batman himself sucked balls, and halft the time it sounded like he needed a cough drop half the time. i still think iron man was better

#1 movie of the year. Blew Ironman out of the water which I still think is the #2 movie of the year.

I saw it at 12am and read a review right before that said Ledger's Joker made Jack Nicholson's Joker seem more like a creepy uncle. While Jack's performance was still great, I could not have described Ledger's rendition any better than that.
I thought it was good, but wasnt blown away by it. The 2 face story was too short and poorly insterted.

I kind of felt the same way. It was pretty damn good, but I didn't think it was absolutely epic. I guess that's probably a result of the enormous hype though. It would be hard for a movie to totally live up to the amount of hype this one received.

As for the Two-Face thing, see my comments below...

i saw it this is the first batman that wasent a kid movie this one is the way it should have been no kiddy crap. the batman could use some work but the joker was dead on. the joker made the movie

Did you not see Batman Begins? The Dark Knight is a sequel to it, and it's done in the same way. This new franchise is more for adults rather then children. If you haven't seen it you should definitely check it out.

I plan to see this movie in theatres as many times as I can. The special effects, the acting and role casting (with the exception of the leading lady IMO), and overall energy that this film presents will be long remembered, and not easily surpassed.

It really is a shame that Ledger is no longer with us, the potential for future films would have been amazing. I was actually curious about who they were going to get to play Harley Quinn, his right hand chick, and how the chemistry between the two actors would have to be on film to match his role in Dark Knight.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Honestly I don't think they'd do Harley Quinn. She hasn't really been around that long. They invented her for the Animated Series and then put her in some of the comics after that. I don't think they'd attempt her since she doesn't seem to fit into the more realistic mold they've got going with this new franchise. Same thing with a lot of the other villains (The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, etc.); I think they're kind of far-fetched characters to really fit in to this version of Batman.

My one spoiler gripe, highlight below to read:

Didn't quite like the 'tapping the phone calls of the entire city is wrong but essential, so we're going to do it anyway' message that it pushed near the end, especially with the telecom scandal going on right now.

Yeah, I didn't like that either. It was an obvious political reference. Although, it seems like you got a conservative vibe from it, where as I got a more liberal vibe out of it. I thought that scene was taking a jab at the Patriot Act, since Lucius Fox chastises Batman for it and says that he's going to resign if Batman doesn't get rid of the machine.

I honestly don't know what the agenda of the filmmakers is though, because I saw some other stuff in the film which could also be viewed politically but would suggest a more conservative viewpoint. I dunno, maybe I just read too far into things... :shrug2:

Spoiler: I think they're just setting him up for the next movie... I don't think he's dead.

Honestly, I hope you're wrong, and here's why (highlight to read):

If they do bring Two-Face back for another sequel, then they'd be pretty much throwing the more realistic approach straight out the window. I mean the guy had third degree burns on his face, all the way down to the bone. There's no way in hell someone could survive like that longer then a few days outside of an ICU. In my opinion, that's why they made his injuries look so over the top, because they planned on killing him off during the course of the film.

Also, if Two-Face is alive, doesn't that completely negate the end of the movie? Batman agreed to take the blame for Harvey's murders to preserve his image. If he's still alive, then that was pointless, don't you think?

Also, can Two-Face really carry an entire movie as a villain? I don't think so, at least not in the way they've set him up here. They made him more of a tragic hero then a pure villain like the Joker. Yes, he didn't have that much screen time as Two-Face, but they basically completed his entire story arc within the movie. He took revenge on the crooked cops, and tried to take revenge on Batman and Gordon, so what else can they really do with him? Pair him up with some other villain and have him run around robbing banks? I already saw Batman Forever, I don't really need to see it again.

I really, really hope they don't bring him back...

It was deffiantly diffrent from the older movies, maybe too complicated for younger audiences.

That's exactly why I liked it, and also why I liked Batman Begins. I don't think they need to dumb down something like Batman so it's accessible to kids. The Batman comics have a wealth of dark, gritty, psychological story lines, and I think it's a shame that nobody has really tried to portray that on the screen until now. The tone and presentation of this film get an A+ from me!

movie kicked ass but batman himself sucked balls, and halft the time it sounded like he needed a cough drop half the time. i still think iron man was better

Did you not see Batman Begins? It's the same voice he used in that one, so it isn't exactly anything new. I understand how some people are annoyed by it, but then again, it also makes sense. Batman is suppose to be frightening, so the demented sounding voice adds to that. Plus, if he just used his regular voice all the time somebody might recognize it eventually...
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Did you not see Batman Begins? It's the same voice he used in that one, so it isn't exactly anything new. I understand how some people are annoyed by it, but then again, it also makes sense. Batman is suppose to be frightening, so the demented sounding voice adds to that. Plus, if he just used his regular voice all the time somebody might recognize it eventually...[/quote]

Sorry i tried watching the first one a couple times and its starts off really good i enjoy the training but then it just makes me so damn sleepy that i miss the second half. as for the voice it gets really anoying almost like if he uses a voice box or sumtin. and whats with the cocky attitude, if i can remember bruce wane was a humble rich guy not some typical rich snawb.
Sorry i tried watching the first one a couple times and its starts off really good i enjoy the training but then it just makes me so damn sleepy that i miss the second half. as for the voice it gets really anoying almost like if he uses a voice box or sumtin. and whats with the cocky attitude, if i can remember bruce wane was a humble rich guy not some typical rich snawb.
If you watch Batman Begins entirely it explains your question. He is humble etc... but to not draw attention for always being out at night asleep in the day and other things he plays a persona of the arrogant rich dick. Sorry for the run on sentence. Alfred tells him to date models, drive expensive cars, buy what's not for sale etc...
Is this movie good enough to completely and utterly sway my opinion on any Batman movie? I never liked any of them.
Is this movie good enough to completely and utterly sway my opinion on any Batman movie? I never liked any of them.
Batman :p
Batman Returns :mellow:
Batman Forever :(
Batman and Robin

Batman Begins :D
The Dark Knight :head assplode:
Is this movie good enough to completely and utterly sway my opinion on any Batman movie? I never liked any of them.

Yup! Its more "adult" than the others, less kiddy crap, more kicking ass and blowing things up.
Is this movie good enough to completely and utterly sway my opinion on any Batman movie? I never liked any of them.

Which of the previous ones did you see?

This movie is a sequel to Batman Begins, and neither of them are connected to any of the other Batman movies (Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, etc.). It's a completely new franchise, and it's more serious and realistic then the old ones.

Which of the old ones did you see, and what did you not like about them?
I know I've seen most, if not all of them. But it's been a while, I'm not good at remembering movies, and all I remember is I watched them with my dad and have no recollection of them. I just still have the bad taste in my mouth from having watched them. :)
They definitely reworked Batman's voice this time around, it had an almost electronic-voice-disguiser sound to it. There was something on the neck of the suit too, maybe it was an upgrade he added in between movies?

Someone mentioned that he sounded like cookie monster a few days after the movie, now I can't help but hearing Batman yell "COOOKIES!!" in my head. :D:D
Did nobody see Batman Begins? Everybody keeps complaining about his voice in The Dark Knight like they were surprised by it, but it's the same way he did it in the first movie... :shrug2: