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D-Series Ninja
I recently Installed the Xenocron Usb DataLogger Cable onto my Pm6 Ecu in my Crx. For some reason I can't log any information though. I Set My Com Ports to Com4 on my Laptop and now I am stuck. I have no WideBand 02 Sensor yet and I have not burned a chip. It is the Stock Ecu With the 4-pin Data cable plugged in.
So do I have to have a Wideband or a Burned Chip First?

Any help would be amazing!:(
Okay, I have the chip burned with BURN2 and Flash&Burn, I installed a datalogging plug-in to TurboEdit so I hope this chip swap goes well. Thanks and I will update if I get it working.
Well I ran into a problem with three of the circuit lines going into the old socket coming loose when removing and it would not read the new rom but I was able to solder the three points back to the new socket. PM6 Basemap runs very well untill I floor it and then it temporarily loses power as if the fuel was cut off untill I ease up on the throttle, I would guess it would be a problem with the air/fuel ratio but I am not for sure since I have just started tuning without a Wideband O2 Sensor and Still cannot datalog. I have set the Com to Com 4 and Latency of the Driver to 1. Any ideas of why it is still not reading from the datalogger? Need someone with experience and thanks for you help INJEN!! Rep Added if possible
K, I will see if I can order one soon and I found a updated version of TurboEdit and ECUControl on after signing up in their forums. So, what would be a good wideband... I have heard of LC-1's but I don't know the difference between those and the AEM or Bosch Widebands. I will read up on it I guess
I guess that's the one to go with. It did not go so well at Import Face Off Today, I ran a 17.50 with a bad reaction time and when it got close to the set rev limiter my car would lose power, also with when trying wide open throttle it would lose power. I have copied the low vac and low boost fuel multiplliers from a Stock-PM6.bin to the NG60.bin in TurboEdit and that's pretty much it. I have the Launch Controll Set at 4500 RPMs & Second Limiter set at 7200 after 8Mph. After running the 17.50 a set my Aem Cam Gear +3 advance and ran 17.24 with a faster reaction time but got beat by a 14.56 Neon SRT4. The bad is that my front wheels were 18s and my rear were 17s. I know very gay on a crx but I have not found a better wheel base or slicks yet. I will attach the bin file I have running in my car and see if anyone on HondaSwap knows what I did wrong in TE?:please:
I am just trying to get rid of the random cuts in fuel, air or ignition somewhere, Do you supposed Copy the Fuel and Ignition Maps over the NG60 Bin with the PM6? I will try it tomorrow and see if it helps any.

Here is the File I used in TE 2.6.1


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