DC2 Power Mirrors Fit EK?

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Hey All-

I was about to pick up some JDM EK Power Mirrors for my 96 Civic Hatch.

The DC2 OEM Power Mirrors seem to be cheaper (more around domestically)

Question: Do the Integra DC2 Power Mirrors fit on an EK? If not, what is the issue - wrong shape?

i would guess, no. I don't see any reasons why integra mirrors would fit on a civic. the chassis and engine/electrical have similarities/"swapabilities", but i dont see any reason why body parts would be easily (no body work) interchangeable, probably why there isn't any info on it here....
yeah it's true the DC2 shares many similarities with the EG 92-95 Civic and not the 96-00 EK.

BUT, if you look at the mirror mounts they are both triangle shaped mounts. It seems that the question is: is it the same triangle shape and do the mount holes line up on the inside.

Yeah... i dont know....just trying to give you some feedback and brainstorm... Will it be easy for you to return it if they dont fit? do you live near a junk yard?
well there is one guy I'm trying to gey ahold of that has a set for $20. I WAS talking to another dude who was selling the EK Power Mirror version for $175 shipped but that is a little too rich for my blood - especially if they are essentially the same.

Thanks for your input though ;).

Anybody else know for sure?
