Defi gauges

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im slowly buying stuff for my turbo set up and was wondering what everyone thought of the Defi Gauges
are they quality or not?
Short of a Stack dataloger, Defi are basically the Ferrari of guages. Hope you don't mind paying $250 for each gauge though, theyre pricey.
Ohoy! Those be Ebay knock-offs! Yar!

You don't need Defi guages, and don't go with crappy Ebay knock-offs. Get a set of Auotmeters and be done with it.
Defi's are off da huk, blang blang nigga you gots d money gauges. Buy dem biotches if youz gotz da munay.

seriously, I have never heard anything bad about them.
AC Auto = Rice. Sorry, but I doubt the quality is very good. Go with your typical Autometer setup, and be happy. They work well, and if you get it from a licensed dealer, they have a warranty.
mmmmm i love defi guages and blitz gauges...

but autometers work just fine, cant beat 40-70 bucks per gauge.